Chapter 3. Death of a bad guy

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"Iida-kun do you know why sensei is late?" A girl with a brunette colour hair asked

"I heard he had a meeting today" iida said in reply, then turned to the class "but that doesn't mean you can act like a bunch a hooligans!!" 


"He literally killed many people! And you want him to join UA!?" Mic said as Aizawa was trying to convince them to let Izuku join UA

"You have to remember that he is the victim in this case!" Aizawa said with a shout startling a few other hero's "you can't just say he murdered a few people and count him out of a normal life just for that! He's a kid for crying out loud!" "tell me this, do you think he even got a choice!?"

The room was silent 

"Tch" he muttered under his breath before getting up and leaving 

"Aizawa wait!" Nezu said quickly 

Aizawa stoped but didn't turn around 

"He will join in a month if you can get him under control, and catch him up with the other students" Nezu said with a smirk

A small smile crippled onto Aizawa's face before leaving the room

"Heya!" Izuku says smiling at him as Aizawa left the room

Aizawa sighed "wait I have to do one more thing" then he opened the door and pecked his head inside "I need a substitute for my class today"

Nezu nodded "on it"


"So what your quirk?" Aizawa asked Izuku looking at him through the mirror in the car

"Hm?" Izuku replied in confusion "what's a quirk?"

Even before big madam took ownership for Izuku his father never really told Izuku about the real world and even if his mother told him a few things or other kids did, he didn't remember much from his child hood 

Aizawa sighed to himself feeling bad for the kid "a quirk is a power that develops when your around four"

Would being a ghoul be a quirk? I was born with it, and I don't think he knows what a ghoul is either. 

Aizawa continues to explain about quirks, hero's, and UA

"Hmmmm so that's how you became a hero??"

"Yes" "Izuku?"

"Hm?" Izuku replied with a hum 

"I think you quirk probably has something to do with regeneration abilities, since you healed right away when you jumped out the window"

Izuku didn't respond, or he didn't know how to respond, he was scared to tell Aizawa about ghouls, Aizawa was the first person in a long time that was actually nice, and he didn't want to lose him

Izuku noticed something and jumps up in excitement "look at that person!" He points out the window trying to change the subject, which gained Aizawa's attention "he looks like a bird!" He says laughing

Aizawa's eyes widen in surprise it's overhaul, he escaped when we saved eri  "Izuku I have to pull over"

"Hm??" "Why??"

"He is a bad person and I have to follow him, to see where he's hiding out" Aizawa said as he pulled over "you stay here."


"No, it's dangerous, just stay here" Aizawa left 

"Hmph" Izuku said to himself and looked at him leave, once Aizawa was out of view he smirked "like he can stop me" he says while pulling the handle on the car door, but it doesn't open "it worked before, why isn't it now!?" 

He started getting frustrated, Izuku thought to himself for a little bit and then a evil grin got smeared on his face I can just break the window! He got one of the knives he hid under his shirt and started banging it on the window 


So that's where your hiding  Aizawa thought to himself I should probably tell Nezu about this he got out his phone and began to text Nezu, but little did Aizawa know is that someone was watching him

Hm I thought we were going to kill some bad guys Izuku thought why isn't he moving anywhere?? The bad guy is getting away, maybe they used that quirk thing on him and he can't move? I guess I can just help him! He starts jumping on different roofs and crawling on them so he isn't noticed too much

There he is he sits up still on the roof then he pulls out four daggers and one big one, he then he aims them at overhaul when he found him 1...2...3! He throws the daggers with force and starts laughing, one hits overhaul in the back of the neck another hit him in upper back while the other one also landed in his back

"What the hell!?!" Overhaul says turning around

Izuku was trying to hold in his laughter 

Then overhaul spots him "YOU"

"And he's mad!" Izuku starts running and overhaul starts chasing him yeah keep chasing me! Just need to get out this alleyway way and into a more open area! Izuku then runs into a crowd making overhaul lose sight of him 

From there overhaul started looking for Izuku but then realized he was starting to gain everyone's attention because he had three knives in him crap I forgot to use my quirk- then another small daggers got shot into the front of his neck making it harder to breathe, overhaul knew he could use his quirk, but if he just started it now he will be an open target to Izuku, so he ran into another alleyway, from there of course a few people called pro hero's but of course no one knew it was Izuku targeting him

"Jump!" Izuku said as he jumped in the alleyway that overhaul was in

While overhaul started to take out the daggers, he jumped back hearing Izuku came in

"Dumb kid" overhaul muttered before taking off his gloves 

"Are you going to use a quirk??" Izuku asked in excitement  

Overhaul then touched the ground and spikes started coming fast towards Izuku making a lot of dusk come up "YOUR WASTING MY TIME" he shouted 

When The dusk started going down and Izuku wasn't there

"Huh-" he got cut off by an excruciating pain in his shoulder, when he looks at his shoulder he sees Izuku looking back at him and a bite mark was left on his shoulder Izuku was smiling right next to him feeling pleased with himself, overhaul then screams horror and try's to us his quirk, but then Izuku's kagune came out him and quickly stabbed him over and over and over again that his body was pretty much destroyed 

I probably won't eat in a while...soo he bent down and started eating him

A few minutes later he could hear hero's coming so he quickly ran out of there and jumped in a lake to wash off, until..

Hm?? What is this? He thought to himself as he picked up the shelled creature, he smiled thinking it was cute "I wonder what you would look like without a head!" He said as he slowly took out his knife, the turtle quickly tucked his head in his shell

"Huh!?" He looked at it in amazement "wow!" "it hide in the rock!" He said in excitement 

"IZUKU WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE!?" Aizawa yelled from the side of the pond 

Izuku the smiled at him "heya!!" He said waving to him, and started to walk over to him

Aizawa sighed to himself "you know it's illegal to swim in this pond"

"Hm? But I didn't swim in it"

Aizawa Stares at him with a blank look "it's illegal To go Inside the pond, and plus you could get sick, you know there's a lot of bacteria in there" Aizawa said shaking his head 

"Sorry?" Izuku giggled "can we go to that place you said we would go!?" He said in excitement 

"My house?"

"Yeah that!"

"Fine. But there is another kid there around the age of six, don't be mean to her okay?"

"Yes sir!" He said saluting 

"You going to be such a problem child" he muttered to himself rubbing the bridge of his nose 

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