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893 35 10

   Cornering Sam into telling the truth, acting in a manner most would consider wholly reasonable, was met with equal frustration.

Anger lurking behind his own brown eyes, muscled tensed and ready to punch, you easily dominated by reminding him of your superiority via jabbing his chest with a pointed metal finger.

Using your best icy look, a growl in each syllable, having to pry out an entire series of events from a boy who was ready to crack under all this preasure.

A painful process.

You were equally as alarmed from watching the ship getting blown up. Running purely on unchecked wrath, in contrast to Sam's current disheveled state.

Breaking away once you had the fully story, in a sharp authoritative bark got him to trail close behind as you lead the charge down to operations.

Sam's struggling to keep up with your furious gait, half-jogging as he went in depth regarding Carly's kidnapping situation.

You were ashamed to admit that the lack of her presence hadn't concerned you, so you were going to remedy your ignorance with imminent action.

"-- Is she in immediate danger?" hand hovering upon the 'no access' door, gaze burning into Sam's very existence that proceeded to bother you.

Sam hissed "well, what do you think!? She's in the hands of, literally, the worst human on Earth!" throwing in (hands thrown up in the air and all) "who is working with Decepticons!"

Pushing the door ajar, turning away, huffing "she's with someone who wants her, idiot. She's going to be fine. But, I guarantee her captor will not be when I find his sorry ass" entering and immediately making headway for Dutch and Simmons who stood among a crowd at the monitoring station.

Snatching Sam's phone, waving frantically at Simmons who opened his mouth to comment to only be completely shut down by your 'take no prisoners' attitude that you wore as clear as day.

"Simmons -- Can you track a call? We know who's behind all this. A guy called Dylan Gould, working with Decepticons. Long story short he called Sam and if we find him, we find Sentinel" pausing, sparing a distressed Sam the briefest glance ''and Carly, I was getting there."

Dutch extended a hand, taking the phone away and moving over to the closest computer. That man seemed to be always ready to act, of course you felt it may be apart of a civil obligation to his employers country.

Tailing him, Simmons Wedged himself into a free space. Watching as Dutch performed some hacking feats you couldn't fully understand. Nevertheless, you gig a desirable outcome.

"I've isolated it to this point," a building appeared on screen, zooming in on the upper portion of it "Gould Tower, lower penthouse" so that's where the prick lived.

Clenching your fist, drawing back. Lips pressed in a thin line "let's get this bastard -"

"hold on," a man known as Epps interrupted you, leaving the spot to which he'd lingered in. Walking up, chin jutting towards Dutch's screen "you sound like you're going alone?" arms folding, head tilted expecting an answer.

Shaking your head, relaxing your fist and facing the soldier "I didn't have much of a plan. But help will be appreciated, Sam's not going to be enough"

Epps nodded at once "you're not the only ones who want to set the record straight; I have some old friends who can help out. C'mon, we better hustle"


   The time it took between Epps retrieving his weapons, calling former soldiers and getting into his car felt only seconds long when it was in fact a couple of hours.

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