Chapter 1: June Jackson

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I silently counted in my head. It had been 565 seconds since I'd been awake. I wasn't sure if it was day or night, but I was leaning towards day for the fact that light seemed to be leaking into the burlap sack that covered my head. The air smelt dry and dusty, which was unlike the moist, sweet-smelling air of Oregon. I was thirsty and still groggy from whatever those goons gave me. I couldn't see anything, but I could feel the vibrations of an unpaved road under the car I was in. By the noise the car was making I was guessing that maybe it was a truck or something similar in size. The goons were still conversing with each other. I don't believe they knew I was awake, which was just how I planned it.

When I had awoken earlier, I had heard their voices and decided that pretending to still be knocked out was my best bet. I did entertain the idea about trying to attack my captors, but discovering that my hands were bound by what felt like handcuffs, I decided to veto that plan. Through some careful investigation I discovered that my handcuffs were hooked to something as well, so I couldn't have done anything, even if I wanted to.

As time crawled on the questionable drugs had seemed to have completely vanished from my system. The goons' idle chatter had no useful information. In fact, I wished they would just stop talking. The three of them had the most obnoxious voices. Yet, by the time my neck was starting to protest from constantly leaning on the side of the car, the man with a nasally voice said,

"So, when is this girl going to wake up? The drugs should have been long gone by now."

"Maybe we were too rough with her?" The man with a flaming accent said.

"I don't think so. I mean she is alive. We know that much for sure," the nasally man countered. I could feel their stares on me and was straining to remain perfectly still. The man I assumed to be homosexual made a drastic sighing noise.

"Are you still upset, Brian?!" The nasally man moaned.

"I'm just saying that we went all the way to that miserable excuse for a state, and all we brought back was this girl?" Brian complained.

Well, excuse me! I'm just as upset about this as you are buddy.

"Hey, she'll make a great profit. A never-before-fed-from virgin will make a killing on the market," the nasally guy said very pleased with himself. I nearly sat straight up from the wrongness in that statement, but fiercely fought against it. I was going to be sold? Wasn't that human trafficking? And when did they find out I was a virgin?! I quelled down a pressing shudder and focused my attention on their bickering.

"That's true, but with the economy the way it is will anyone buy her? It's a two-edged sword here. There's nothing amazing about her. She's decent looking, sure. But other than that, any other human would do," Brian continued to whine.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. They were the ones who kidnapped me! They were the ones who jumped me as soon as I left the comfort of my car up in Portland. Now Brian is complaining that I'm not good enough for him? Well, fine by me. Take me back home and I'll pretend this didn't happen.

It was suddenly silent, and I perked my ears to find out if they were whispering or not. Then the nasally sounding guy started saying in an oddly loud manner,

"Well, if it doesn't matter if she has been fed from or not. Why don't I just feed off her real quick? Maybe it will be easier to sell her this way, and I am awful thirsty." I waited for someone to protest or stop him, but no one made a noise. I could feel him leaning toward me, and hear his breathing coming closer and closer. All reason ran out the window as I tried to kick him away. The truck quickly erupted into laughter. "So, awake are we?" The nasally man snorted between chuckles.

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