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I just remembered that I forgot some of the Key things E/c: eye color N/n: nickname. OK I'm done now, ENJOY!!


I woke up to a terrified scream. I bolted up in my bed and looked at the person in the bed on the other side of the room, their eyes brimmed with tears. 

Y/n and I had been living in the same dorm in New Rome's college for a month now. At first we didn't talk much, but after weeks of living together and having some of the same classes, we had gotten closer as friends. Though my feelings might have grown beyond just friends. And seeing them upset made my heart ache more than it should have. 

I flipped the covers off myself and rushed to their side, sitting next to them and rapping my arms around their waist and pulled them into a hug, whispering kind words trying to calm them.


I nuzzled my head into the crook of his neck, unable to hold the tears anymore, letting them fall as I sob into his black shirt. I hugged back, holding on so tight, so scared he just might slip away. He whispered to me, sending a shiver down my spine, despite my violent shaking and heaved breathing. He's words of gentle reassurance, slowly calming me with every word. 

A couple minutes of just sitting in each other's presence, I was practically in Nico's lap, just cuddling up to him, finding comfort in his warmth. 

Nico was the one to break the silence. "You... wanna talk about it?" he quietly asked, pulling away slightly to look me in the eyes. I tensed, his dark eyes staring at me waiting for a response. I looked away, not meeting his eyes, tears starting to reform. 

He placed his gentle hand on my check, turning my head back to face him again. "N/n, you know you can talk to me right?" he asked softly, his gaze making me stare. I nod slightly. He let go of me, repositioning himself so he was sitting criss-cross in front of me, our knees touching. He held my hands in his giving them a light squeeze.

I took a deep breath, trying to steady myself for the tears that were definitely coming. "I-I... I have nightmares... ," I whispered just loud enough for him to hear. 


I pause. I had known that y/n had been at Camp Half Blood during the war with Gaia but hearing her explain the horrible things she saw in her dream, with the explosions, dead campers littering the ground, and Gaia waking, reminded me of the nightmares I once had. 

I hugged her again, pulling her close. Silent tears fell from both of our eyes. I didn't know what to say. I was never the emotional type so the whole close contact and comforting thing was new to me, but Y/n has done it for me countless times, might as well return the favor. 

It's been a couple years since the last war and I couldn't help wondering why they were still having dreams of the war. But in full honesty I have no room to talk considering I still suffer from panic attacks and anxiety. And from what I guessed, so did she. I took a quick breath, my body starting to shake a little. I pull away slightly, cupping her cheek in the palm of my hand gently wiping away the tear running down her face with my thumb. They had their eyes closed breathing deeply, and I couldn't help admire their beautiful face, their soft cheeks, the way their s/c skin and h/c hair seemed to glow in the very little light coming from the moon glowing outside the window. I was grateful the moon wasn't so bright or my bright pink face would be very much visible. 

I absentmindedly kept rubbing their cheek, lost in my own thought. They slowly opened their eyes, their e/c ones meeting mine. I don't know what I was thinking, but I glanced down at their lips, then back to their eyes as if asking for permission. They leaned in a little. That was the only answer I needed. I leaned in more, our lips meeting in the middle. 

The kiss lasted only a few seconds but I didn't care. I cuddled up next to them, their head resting on my chest. I pressed a kiss to the top of their head, feeling their breath slow as we both fell asleep. 

 Hi! OK that was the first chapter. I'm sorry if it feels a little rushed, I sort of lost inspiration like half way through. But I'll keep trying.                            

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