I'm No Doctor, But I Think I'm Dead.

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HI YA'LL!!!! So this is not the story I was talking about in the previous chapter. This is something else cause I hadn't finished that story yet and I had this in drafts so I decided to publish this to give you guys something to read. Hope you enjoy it!!!!

Your a child of Hephaestus here by the way- Now on to the story!

I'm no doctor, but I think I'm dead. Ok yeah maybe the fact that I'm looking back at myself was probably a very good indicator that something was definitely wrong, and that none of my friends who were surrounding my lifeless body didn't seem to see me except one, son of Hades.

    Nico di Angelo, my boyfriend, looked at me, then back at the dead me, then back at me, the tears already flowing down his face only increasing into a full on meltdown. In Nico's mind this was the worst thing to happen since his friend Jason's death. He had lost so much, he couldn't lose you too. To Nico, I was everything, and he was mine. My heart broke looking in his obsidian eyes, filled with sadness, grief and guilt. By that moment Nico looked on the verge of collapsing.

Leo, my bother, who noticed Nico's absence from the group of mourning demigods, turned to where Nico was staring at blank space, in pure tears. Leo looked at Nico confused with a tear-stained face and red swollen eyes. "Nico... wha-what are y-you doing?" he asked, his words stuttered in places. I felt like I was watching a movie, but it wasn't and I just hadn't released it yet, it just didn't feel real.

The rest of the remaining demigods who had been crying around my body had looked up at the black haired boy after Leo had caused the disturbance in their mourning circle. Nico, not answering Leo's question, raised his hand snapping his fingers and everyone gasped.

I looked down at myself. I felt more solid than before, but still not alive. I looked back at the rest of my crying friends, and gave them a small smile. Leo rushed to his feet and came barreling toward me and I stretched out my arms for a hug, but instead of feeling his warm presence in my arms, I felt nothing as he went right through me. He took a step back, reaching out trying to grab my shoulder but again his hand passed through my spirit. He started panicking, and if I could cry I would. As he stood there crying, Piper and Will, walked toward him, both with red eyes and obviously trying(and failing) to holding themselves together.

They both stand next to him trying to give moral support, tears silently flowing down their cheeks. I couldn't stand it and if I was right, I'm not even standing at all. I turned to Nico, who was still sobbing loudly. "How... how long will I be able to stay?" I ask slowly. I want to stay. I don't want to go yet, I wanted to grow old with Nico and watch Leo grow up. I wanted to live at camp and go to college in New Rome. I wanted to live, I wanted to live, but I'm already dead...

"I-I don't k-know..." he mumbled. "I-I think... you aren't s-supposed to be here at all...". Wha... what was that supposed to mean, I thought. "I-I mean, you should be in the underworld by now... n-not up here with us... s-so I think... uh," he stuttered and trailed off, glancing away for a split second, to the hall where I was killed in battle at the Tower of Nero. At this point everyone was staring at Nico, including the seemingly disoriented Leo. "You... I-I think... you get the choice..." he whispered. My eyes widened. "Y-you can stay here, a-as a lost soul or like a g-guardian of sorts... or..." he trailed off. "What?" I asked gently. "Or... you can take your p-place in Elysium," he finished, and everyone looked at me.

Wha? I didn't see that coming. I looked around at everyone, noticing how all there eyes seemed to sadden more than before. "You guys are looking at me like you're just waiting for me to disappear," I said sarcastically, crossing my see-through arms over my chest. Immediately their eyes grew wide and slight smiles started to form.

"You guys are stuck with me for another couple more centuries," I smirked, gliding closer Nico who had broken into a new rain of tears, finally falling to his knees. I fell down in front if him trying and failing to hold his face in my hands."What are you still crying for?" I ask. He smiled sitting up a little straighter. He sniffed, wiping his eyes, "Don't worry, I'm fine, I'm just sad I'll never be able to kiss you again."

Sorry if this isn't that good and feels rushed. School has become a lot lately and it's getting closer to my one-acts performance and all the homework that the teachers are giving us is not helping. Well I hope you all are having a good day, BYE!!

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