Capture the Flag

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Sorry I haven't posted in a while I lost inspiration and there was a lot of school work and drama and just UGH!! So here you go!

 Battle training! It'll be fun, they said. It's perfectly safe, they said. Bunch of lying trolls! I believe them for one minute and I nearly die! What kind of camp has battle training as a mandatory activity? Camp Half Blood, that's who.

It's Friday, June 2, and every Friday, unless something crazy is happening which there always is, the camp hosts a game of capture the flag. Some people call it some light group training, some people call it a fun game, I call it a gamble with Hades. Because of the previously mentioned 'crazy thing happening' there hasn't been a game in a while. I was worried in all honesty. I had seen the other activities this camp held and no matter what my friends were saying I wanted to lock myself in my cabin bathroom.

Today however is the first Capture the Flag game in a month. Everyone is practically bouncing off the walls in excitement, while I'm sitting in a pool of my own nerves. The game is in the afternoon to give the teams a chance to create a strategy. I was teamed with the Hermes, Dionysus, Athena, Apollo, and Hades cabins. We weren't the best group for when it came to the strength part of the game, but with the Athena cabin as are brains, Hermes as our masters of pranks and traps, Apollo and Hades as our fighters, and Dionysus as our crazy magic plant people, I thought we were gonna do just fine.

Where do I fit into that? I'm a Dionysus kid, so I'm the crazy magic plant person. We are the blue team, and the rest of the cabins are the red team. The sun slowly fell from the sky, dinner finishing as the campers started getting ready for the game. I walked to the rest of my team, armer on and sword in hand. I was nervous to say the least. I was never known as the most athletic person on earth and I didn't want to be the one to cause the whole team to lose.

I stood next to my cabin mates, and friends Will from Apollo cabin, Nico from Hades, Travis and Conner from Hermes, and Annabeth from Athena. Will could obviously tell I was tense, trying to lighten the mood with very bad dad jokes. I rolled my eyes, Nico, on Will's left. face palmed. I felt a little better I suppose. We made our way through the woods to our base where we are going to hide the flag. The team was split into three groups, the Defense, the Offense, and the Distraction. The first group is in charge of protecting the flag. The Offense is supposed to go and steal the other team's flag. And the Distraction is pretty self explanatory, go and distract the other team so the Offense can do their job.

I was on Offense with Nico, one of my cabin mates Brandon, and Travis and Conner. Will lead the Distraction group and Annabeth lead the Defense. We got in position, the horn sounding that the game had started. And we ran for it. Will took his group the opposite direction that we were going as bait for the opposing team's Offense. We crossed a small creek that was the main border line between the two teams' territories, jumping over it in one bound.

We were on enemy land now. Taking every step as quietly as possible but also quickly. Then out of the corner of my eye, I see a small dot of light moving quickly back in the other direction, loud noises of footsteps and yelling following not too far behind it. "I guess Will's distraction worked," Nico said, jogging next to me. He and I have been dating for a while now and sometimes it felt like we were still just friends, like not in a bad way, more like a comfortable relationship of friends to lovers sort of thing. "Yep, sure looks like it," I agree, a loud high pitch, girly scream coming from the direction of the glowing dot. I laugh a little, "Yep sounds like Will," Nico grins at the sound, finding his friend's terrified little girl scream amusing.

We got closer to a small clearing, all of us kneeling behind a bush. There were more campers still guarding the flag then I hoped, a good portion of them still guarding as the others chased Will and his group around the forest. I hear Nico curse under his breath next to me. It's my turn to grin. "Your turn Neeks," I chuckle, giving him a mischievous smile. He looked at me confused, till it dawned on him and he glared at me. "No, absolutely not," he said, as if this solved the matter. "Ah come on, a little distraction wouldn't hurt anything," I mused. "Yeah it would, my dignity!" he whisper-shouted at me. "Oh don't be so dramatic, and anyway you won't be alone, Brandon is going with you~," I say, turning to the mentioned boy next to me, grinning like an absolute idiot. "What!" Brandon exclaimed so loud I had to cover his mouth so our cover wouldn't be blown. Travis and Conner snickered, thinking they won the comedy lottery. I grabbed Nico and Brandon and whispered to them the plan, then ran off with Travis and Conner to hide somewhere else to watch the show.

The thing is as a Dionysus kid I got multiple different powers. The first one is controlling grape vines, which is useful for capturing your enemies. The other one is ten times more interesting. It's called insanity, I can make illusions to make people see what I want them to or I can just mix up their brain and drive them insane. But I don't feel like getting in trouble for driving a fellow camper into madness, so illusions it is.

After messing with reality for a minute, I give the signal and watch. Oh do I wish I had popcorn right now. I got the idea from a Thor movie, which the Hermes boys smuggled into camp along with other stuff. Nico came into view, walking out of the bushes carrying what looks like a half alive Brandon with him. Ah if I hadn't known that it was all an illusion I would have believed it myself. They both looked beaten up and bruised, with Brandon having the most of it. They were good actors, I'll give them that.

The guards guarding the flag looked taken aback by the scene in front of them, half of them walking forward to help. I motioned to the boys next to me to stay where they were, and nodding back to me, I walked slowly behind the remaining guards so they didn't see me, getting closer to the flag. Nico hobbled forward closer the the campers, Nico almost carrying Brandon over to them. "Help!" Nico screamed. "My friends hurt!" He got closer, and so did we to the flag. I grabbed the flag, turned to Nico giving him a thumbs up and ran back to the boys still watching the show.

Now it was time for our exit. Nico hobbled closer to the campers still dragging Brandon. "Help! HELP HIM!" Nico screamed then, in one quick motion, picked up Brandon, who neither of them looked injured anymore, me having erased the illusion, and threw him at the guards, knocking them off balance and them all crashing to the ground.

Yep, now it was time for us to leave. Nico, Travis, Conner, and I sprinted out of the clearing with the flag in my hand, Brandon following us shortly behind and catching up to us. "Ha! That was amazing!" Travis cheered. Both Nico and Brandon looked slightly grumpy, Brandon more so for obvious reasons. I smiled and laughed along, till the sounds of voices could be heard behind us, and more of them this time meaning the rest of the red team were together and were on our tail.

Party's over, I ran faster, the rest of my friends in pursuit. We were getting closer to the boundary line as in the creek and once we did we would win, I thought hopefully. I thought too soon. In seconds we had the red team right behind us. My other friends, Leo and Piper were on that team and were in front. We ran faster. The creek was almost in full view, as the red team just kept gaining on us.

I handed the flag to Nico shouting to 'Run!' I stopped, as him and the rest of them, not being complete idiots, kept running. I turned to the scary and very fast approaching enemy, came closer. I, being a complete idiot, hit the dirt landing on my hands and knees, showing my hands into the dirt. Using all the energy I could, thousands of vines sprouted from the soil creating a wall if green in front of me blocking the enemies path. What I didn't remember and is the reason this plan is so stupid, Leo has fire powers. Just my luck. In seconds my inter plant wall was up in flames. Stupid idea number two that I also realized too late, I was sitting way too close to the flaming plants.

The fire hit me too fast to even try and move, pain rushing up the sides of my arms causing me to fall backward. All I heard was loud voices, a horn that the game had ended, and red of nearby fire before the world went dark.

I wake up in the infirmary, obviously surrounded by the weirdos I call friends. There was Nico, Will, Brandon, Conner, Travis, Leo, and Piper. As soon as my eyes open all other eyes are on me. "Oh thank god you're awake! I'm so so sorry Y/N! I swear I didn't mean to hurt you! I'M SO SORRY!" Leo yelled practically crying and begging for forgiveness which I obviously gave while laughing at him.

"This isn't something to laugh about!" Nico shouted, "That could have seriously hurt you!" he finished glaring at the poor guilty Leo. Piper rolled her eyes, "Like she hasn't had any near death experiences before, Nico," she joked. "She's right, Neeks, I'm fine," I assured him, "and anyway what you guys call a near death experience, I call a vibe check from god!" I finished while grinning. That last comment earned me a smack on the back of my head and a scolding from my angry boyfriend.

Sorry if the ending feels rushed on this and the Nico x Y/N scenes seem weird. This was my writing Wednesday for English so I had to add all the Nico and Y/N stuff without making it weird so sorry if it sucked. I hope you're having a good day or night!!   

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