Are you lost, princess?

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Hellooo!! Again this isn't the story I was telling you about in the a/n I'm sorry I just have been busy(and a little lazy) and this was in the works so I decided to edit it and post. So I hope you guys enjoy!!!

This is a fantasy/royalty au-

I scaled down the marble wall, the cold rock clawing at my palms. The rain beat against my back, the hood on my cloak protecting my head from most of the weather. I climb slowly towards the ground, not wanting to fall from this height. After another three or five minutes I reach the ground. One obstacle down, two more to go.

I jog away from the tower wall, holding onto the strap of my leather bag that hangs over my shoulder. The town was quiet besides the sound of wind and rain hitting the sides of the small houses and shops. The muddy ground sticking to the bottom of my boots as I trudge through the empty streets. I could soon see the outer wall of town, a giant stone wall that separated the small village from the rest of the world. I had never been beyond the wall, the thought almost scaring me into turning back but I continued forward. The two guards that were supposed to be watching the gate were nowhere to be seen. They must have taken shelter back in the palace.

I took the opportunity to my advantage. I squeezed myself between the bars of the gate. It was a tight fit, but I made it. As soon as I got through, I ran for it. The wind wiped against my sides, nearly blowing off my hood. I held it down and kept running. The world seemed to go past me, time feeling like it no longer exists.

The sky was still dark, well past midnight, when I finally collapsed on the soft moist grass. The rain had stopped a while ago, leaving the land soggy. I leaned against a tree, breathing deeply. This was the farthest I had ever gone out of the small village I had known my whole life.

My parents never let me leave their sights, only to sleep and bathe and even then I had a guard outside the door at all time. My mother was too weak to stand up to my father and his abuse. That's why I ran. I had no freedom or love in my life. And it seemed my only real purpose in life was to marry some foreign prince. I hated that life. I despised it.

Now I'm here, in the middle of nowhere. Staring up at the sky, the darkness of the woods being illuminated by the moon above, as I slowly drift to sleep to the rattling of branches and the sound of crickets.

The sun was only barely above the horizon when I woke up. The land was still wet with dew drops, which glowed in the morning light. Everything was still and quiet. This was was the most peace I've had in what felt like years. I scanned the area till my eyes caught on something movement to my right. A man.

He had raven black hair, dark brown eyes that seemed almost as black as hair, with ragged clothes and sword strapped on his waist, kneeling above a gray and brown.

My bag.

My heart skipped a beat, nothing but panic raced through my body. I had left a  knife, a compass, and a small pouch of gold inside. But when I looked closer I realized the pouch of gold was no longer in the bag. It was in his hand.

Shit shit shit! I tried crawling to my feet, to get to him before he dashed away with my belongings. But something I noticed caused me to stop. Because he hasn't opened the pouch, it still remains in a tight knot at the opening. He wasn't focused on the gold that waited inside, no, he was looking at the symbol down on the front.

The Royal Family Crest.

Shit, he knows.

He looked up at me from where he kneeled,as he rose to his feet, a mischievous smile spreading across his cheeks.

"Are you lost, princess?"

If you guys comment on this I might make a part two....

Have a great day/night!!!!!!!!

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