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Hello everyone! Sorry for the extended absence but I have returned and published a new chapter thanks to the encouragement from Bunny-Girl365 Who appeared out of nowhere on my story and encouraged me to keep writing so thank you!!!😁
And now for the reason I'm writing this in the first place. I want y'all's opinions on something that has been on my mind for a good while.
Should I keep adding Nico's comments on here???
I saw another writer do it once and thought it was funny and cute so I thought I'd do something similar. But that was back like a year ago when I was in my cringe phase. So yeah I want to know if having him talk is cringey or not and if I should keep doing it.
!!!Please comment your opinion!!!
Thanks to those who are still reading this after all this time and thanks to those who have given me support, I appreciate it so much!!!
Everyone have a good day/night!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 04 ⏰

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