Valentines Day

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OK I have one quick thing to say before we start the story. 

So a couple days ago I checked my notifications and what I saw almost brought me to tears. 

No joke. 

chxotic-bxtch, a person I have been following for like two months now, commented and voted on the previous chapter! 

I am so happy! I try really hard now my writing and no one has read it, and now seeing someone has! I don't have any words to say how grateful I am right now. Just thank you so much you have no idea how much that means to me.😆🥹

Thank You!!!!!!!

OK on to the story now!

*School AU! No Gods or Powers in This One!*


This sucked. It was the day before Valentines day and the whole week has been nothing but flowers, couples, kisses, and all of that gooey crap. I was sick of this day. It was just another reminder that I had no one to share it with. 

All my friends were hanging with their boyfriends non-stop, which left me alone. But I really couldn't blame them. If I had some one to be with on Valentines Day like them I would probably not want to leave their side either.

I walked down the crowded school hall, heading to my locker. Everywhere I looked there were couples giving each other presents, some *cough*Leo and Calypso*cough* were making out in corners. I swear I almost threw up in my mouth. The halls were all decorated in red and pink streamers and paper stuck to the wall that were shaped like hearts in the same color. 

I thought of the dance that was tomorrow. I used to go with my friends when we were all single but then one by one they all got boyfriends, so this year I wasn't going. I could go by myself but that would be weird being the only person there without a date.  My friends told me not to worry and someone would ask me eventually. But that was two weeks ago and tomorrow was Valentines Day and the dance. There was no way anyone was going to ask me and there was no way I was asking someone, that's for sure.

I had finally weaved my way through the hoards of people everywhere and stopped when I got to my locker. I was about to open the door when I noticed something I never thought to see. It was an F/c rose, taped to my locker door. Next to it was an envelope taped right beside it. I pulled them both off the door, glancing around quickly to make sure no one was looking, before opening the envelope to read the letter inside. 

The letter was folded into a nice rectangular card, a beautifully drawn rose almost identical to the real one in my hand. At the top of the card said Happy Valentines Day in a large letter on the front. The card was obviously hand made, and whoever made it must have taken a long time.

I hesitated before opening it, scared it could be a cruel prank meant to get my hopes up. Despite that, I opened the card and read; 

Dear Y/n, I know we barely talk and when we do it's only for a little bit, but I can't help but fall for you. You're just so kind and always so happy and joking about something. What I'm trying to say is, would you want to be my Valentine and go to the dance with me? Sincerely, Death Breath. 

My head shot up as soon as I was done reading. Someone asked to the dance and I knew who it was! I quickly grabbed the books I needed out of my locker, shoving them including the card into my backpack. I flung my bag back on my back, holding the rose in my hand and sprinted down the hall. There was only one person in this school who goes by the nickname Death Breath, and he and I are in the same class! I turned the corner and slid to a stop in front of Nico di Angelo. 

I smirked. "Hey there Death Breath," I said, hiding the rose behind my back. His cheeks turned a light pink when he saw me. "I think this belongs to you," I pulled the rose out in front of me, he's blush darkening and I feel my face start to heat up. "Y-you got my letter," he said more like a question. I nodded, looking him in the eyes. "So... uh," he mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck with his hand and looking away. 

Both of our faces were red now, the silence absolutely killing me. So without thinking I blurted, "Yes!" He finally looks back at me, looking confused. "What?" he asked. I let out a sigh, "I was answering your question, in your letter," I say. If I could see my face right now I swear I looked like a tomato. "Oh... Oh!" he seemed to just have processed that. "Uh great, so um I'll pick you up at uh seven, is that fine?" he asked. I smile, "Yeah that's perfect, oh uh here," I reached into my jeans pocket pulling out a pen. 

I grab his hand before he can say anything and write down my number on the back of his hand. "There, now you can text me," I said, letting go of his hand. He looked at his hand then back at me grinning. "Thanks, well see you in class," he said and started walking off, before abruptly stopping and turning back to me. 

I raise a brow in confusion. "You want to walk to class with me?" he asked, smiling softly, my own smile only growing. "Yeah I'd love to," I say jogging up to him and we walk to class, holding hands.

OK that ending was a bit rushed but over all I thought that was pretty good! I hope you all enjoyed!!                                  

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