Are You Lost Princess? Part 2

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Heyyyy everyone!!! I'M STILL ALIVE!!!!!!
I know I've been gone forever and the absence was definitely not planned.
I honestly thought I'd write more often but NO! I started procrastinating and got nothing done and I kind of gave up writing for a little bit and I am really sorry about that! She got severe writes block, and was complaining about it forever. I- Hey I was not! Were too, it gave me a headache. Look who is complaining now. *Glare*

Anywayyy, I'm now back and I am here to tell another story!!! And also about the really long story I told you guys about in the last AN, I don't think I'll be able to post that story anytime soon. It is turning out to be a lot more complicated and a much longer process then I thought, and I'm thinking of pumping the brakes on that progect and trashing it altogether.

Ok but back on topic. This is a part two of Are You Lost Princess. (By the way I edited part one, not by much but feel free to check it out) Hope you all enjov.


I just stared at him for a moment. I wouldn't say I was star struck, no that wasn't right. That was no where near the right words to describe him, but none of the others that came to mind did him justice.

Handsome didn't seem quite right and he certainly wasn't necessarily pretty.
Gorgeous? Beautiful? Like he was handsome with a flare of elegance or grace. I didn't know if there was a word for that but if there was that was him.

His gaze was steady on my face as he seemed to be scanning my features. He was looking for something, perhaps a weakness of some kind, and there was no way I was gonna let that happen.

I shot to my feet, a tree branch about the size of my forearm gripped in my hand.
What I was expecting to do with it was beyond what I had planned.

I raised it in front of me hoping to look as intimidating as possible. News flash, it wasn't working. The man's smile grew larger and turned into a light chuckle. He found me amusing apparently. What an asshole.

"Relax princess, wouldn't want you to break a nail," he mused.

Excuse me? Who does this man think he is? Before I could throw back a retort to his obvious insult, his face changed. He no longer looked amused, he looked like what ever he had noticed had actually shocked him. What was he looking at?
His eyes stayed locked on my face for a couple more seconds before his face changed again. This time to concern.

I raised my hand to my face and paused when I realized just what exactly he was looking at. The giant, now bright purple bruise across my check. That was a gift from my dear father after I had refused prince Octavian's marriage proposal the day before.

I had almost forgotten it was there, the adrenaline that came with my escape numbing the ache and washing away the memory, even if only for a little while.

He finally stopped staring at me, and took a step forward. I wondered if he had connected the dots, if he knew why I had left my whole life behind and was just sleeping on the forest floor only moments before. I took a step back, away from his steady approach.

I flinched when he reached his hand up to my face. He pulled back. This just made me more confused. Why, did a thief who was trying to rob me, look like he cared about my wellbeing? He didn't know me, not really. He knew I was a member of the royal family, but that should be more of a reason to try and turn me in. My parents probably have already set out a reward for my return. Maybe he saw it, that's why he wanted to see if I was ok. Can't have damaging goods.

He said nothing as he looked at me, and he said nothing as he turned around to pick up my bag and it's contents sitting in the dirt around it. He placed the compass back in that bag, then hung it across his shoulder. With the knife in one hand and the pouch of gold in the other, he did the one thing I wasn't expecting.

He carefully moved the knife underneath the sewn on symbol, cutting the strings that attached the symbol to the pouch. A few seconds later, the symbol was cut clean off, and the pouch was left without any rips or tears.

He put the pouch and knife in the bag, and put the newly removed symbol in the pocket of his pants. Then he turned back to me. What was he doing? Was he waiting for me to try and steal it back, to protest?

He handed me back the bag. What? I took it, almost to quickly. Was he letting me go? Is this some kind of trick?
Probably. What was his plan here?

Then out of nowhere, he just turned around and walked away. I was continually becoming increasingly more confused by the second. He stopped again and looked over his shoulder at me, arching an eyebrow in my direction.
"Are you coming or not?" What?

"Excuse me?" I did not understand anything that was happening anymore.
One minute he was trying to rob me, now he expects me to come with him?
"Oh apologies, you're majesty," he said with a mock bow, "I didn't realize you were hard of hearing."

"Who the hell do you think you are?" I marched a forward, till I was only at least two yards away, pointing a finger at him with my other hand still gripping my bag.

"That's the least of you concern right now signora, what you should be concerned with is the bounty of gold you're parents are paying who ever brings you back alive. And how you out in the open and vulnerable here for bounty hunters to find you,"

I stared at him in shock, but he wasn't done. "You obviously don't want to return to your family and that you've got a damn good reason not to," I knew what he meant. He didn't say it but it certainly was implied, "so let's make a deal, I help you get far away from them and way from any bounty hunters, and you can repay me later."

"Repay you how?" Even though a part of me wanted to trust him, every other part was screaming at me to run, and if I learned anything thing at all from the past ten years of my life, don't trust anyone. But he had a point. My knife can only do so much and I wasn't great at such close range combat. I was used to the long swords I used to train with in secret with my personal guard, who also was my only friend. I needed protection and I didn't know these woods, but he seemed to. He was my only shot at freedom.

"Not much, just a little favor," he smiled at me, but not the sweet kind, the mischievous kind. "What?" I was losing my patience. His smile grew more at my annoyance, "You've got a good amount of gold in there," he nodded to the bag in my hand, "and I'm short money, so I help you and you pay for the things I need."

Of course, it always came down to the money. "So do we have a deal, princess?" he said, raising a hand out to me. This time I didn't flinch away. I meet his dark eyes, and they meet mine. Their was a glint in his eyes I couldn't quite pinpoint. He's gorgeous, I thought. No Y/N, this is not the time nor the place. I shook his hand.

"Deal, but don't call me princess. My names Y/N." I told him.
"What ever you say, princess. I'm Nico.
Nico di Angelo."

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the second part of Are You Lost Princess.
I decided that Nico was gonna be a sarcastic little shit in the story, not that he wasn't already but I thought it would be fun if he was but times ten.
By the way signora is Italian for lady if you're not familiar(I had to google it so correct me if I'm wrong😅) I'm also making a part three btw, so don't worry about the clifthangers😁

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