4 - a normal day or a date??

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Heizou's POV
I woke up, relising i must've fell asleep on the couch last night. I feel my face turning red. Kazuha's head is on my shoulder while scara's head fell onto my lap. I tried to get up without waking them up, in the end. They woke up anyway.
I can see kazuha and scara are blushing, even if they tried to hide it. It was honestly emberrasing, who wouldn't be?
"Sorry.." kazuha spoke, breaking the akward silent. Scara just stayed on the couch "Scara you have to take a bath." Kazuha said.  I got him up on the couch, he was quite heavy,
No offense. We took a bath and got ready. We got whatever just happened off our mind. I don't understand why but i felt.. something for those two. "Guys, why don't we hang out today?" I suggested. "Where are we going?" Kazuha asked me. I have no idea on where should we go. Suddently an idea popped to my head. "Should we go shopping?" I asked them both. Scara nodded "Thats a great idea actually." Kazuha said.

Scara's POV

I'm admiting i was too emberassed to think about that it happened, dispite, its not like we kissed or anything.
I don't understand my feeling, is it something like.. love? I thought of it so much that i spaced out.
"Scara! We're at the mall." Heizou said,
snapping me out from my thoughts.
"Oh, well, good i guess."
I said confused. Kazuha was staring at me while i was lost in my thoughts the entire time. "Lets just go shopping."
Kazuha  said. We went for a shopping trip, it was.. fun.
I do feel like developing a certain feeling to them..it was hard to admit.Heizou suggested that we should watch a movie, it was about a detective who solve cases within a week, i've never thought a flirty guy like him would be into those. "I've never thought you'd be into those.
" I said to heizou, sharing my thoughts.
"Now that i think of it, heizou is a flirty guy.
Thought he'd brought us to watch a romance."
Kazuha said, agreeing to my opinion.
"Oh, you want me to watch a romance movie? That sounds romantic." He said chuckling. Kazuha was blushing a bit, even if we know he's always like that.
After what just happened this morning definitely felt weird. "Whatever, we can just go watch that movie."
Heizou bought the tickets, popcorns and drinks for us.
He refused for us to pay. Now that sounds like he brought us to a date.

Kazuha's POV

Whatever happened was stuck in my head. Why didn't i stop thinking about it? Is it pretty normal to accidently fell asleep like that? Why do i feel.. love? Pretty sure its nothing..
Heizou took us inside the movie theater. The movie was full of people, he must have good teste in movie, otherwise the theater would be empty. The movie lasted 2 hour, it was a great movie. The end sure surprises me a lot, the person who was giving evidences was the culprit all along.
However the movie was amazing. However it was have gore scenes, heizou might not know or forgets to warn us.
Scara also fell asleep during the movie, i guess he was tired plus after he spaced out he must've thought something during the movie then fell asleep. Hes now pretty tired while heizou loved the movie. For me im not a type of guy who like movies, infact this is one of my first movie i've watched in my entire life. It may sounds surprising but it is true.
Heizou took us to a restaurant, even if i wish he'd took us to a hang out like this more, this felt like a date to me.
We ordered the food, while waitung we talked about our band and the movie. "I really like to movie, do you guys like it?" Heizou asked both me and scara. "I didn't even watched." Scara answered heizou, i answered heizou's question " it was a good movie, dispite im not into movies."
"I saw scara sleeping in the theater." I said chuckling.
"Anyway, about our band." Scara changed the topic.
"Oh yeah. We should produce more songs." Heizou said.
"How about heizou singing the next song then?" I said.
Since heizou was the one suggesting, we all know scara doesn't want to sing, atleast not in this song. So heizou is my option right now. "Alright, fine." Heizou agreed. After we ate our lunch, we returnned to our dorm to practice.

Heizou's POV
I don't think i have problem with bring the vocalist for this song, the lyrics aren't complicated. So i guess i can sing this one. We practiced, planning on recording once we're sure.
After the amount of tries we posted the song, and wait until tommorrow.

This song reminds me of you [Heikazuscara band AU]Where stories live. Discover now