6 - Simple, a confession and a date.

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Heizou's POV

'I fell asleep last night..?' I thought to myself.
I relised that i fell asleep when i was hugging scara.
It was emberassing. Scara then also woke up. I could see scara trying to hide his face, i think his face probably turnned red. I find it cute that hes trying to cover his face after blushing like a mess, i chuckled. "What are you laughing at?!" Scara said. I stoped and gave him an answer. "Thats cute." My answer made him blushed even more.
"Whatever. Just go take a bath." Scara said to me.
I nodded and when to take a bath. Today was the weekend,
Me and scara have a plan to ask kazuha out on a date,
I really hope he agrees.

After that

After that, me and scara went to see kazuha, after preparing something. "Hey kazu!" I greeted kazuha. "Hello guys."
Kazuha greeted us back. "Kazuha, uhm.. wanna go to somewhere? Its a surprise!" I told kazuha.
"A surprise? Sounds interesting." Kazuha answered,
agreed to go with us. The place was quite far from the college, but we manage to went inside the autumn forest,
From what we know kazaha really liked the vibe of autumn.
Though it isn't really autumn season, we manage to bring kazuha to a place familiar. "We arrived." I told kazuha.
His eye widened, he seemed really happy.
We're happy to see him enjoying this place. We have fun in the forest.

3rd person POV

While kazuha was praising the beauty of the forest.
Heizou and scara was finding the bouquet they hid, yes.
They have prepared this in the morning. Heizou tapped on kazuha's shoulder, he turnned around to see both heizou and scara holding a bouquet of flowers. Kazuha was really surprised, his face was flushed. "Will you.. go out with us?.."
Heizou asked kazuha. Kazuha couldn't say anything,
So instead he nodded and hugged them both.
Heizou and scara planned on a lot of things they'd do in this date. Kazuha doesn't have interest in movies and scara would slept during one anyway, so they didn't watch a movie. Heizou took them to a mall, they were decorated full of sakura trees. It reminded them of inazuma, their birth nation. They checked out multiple shops and got a lot of things, like clothings, assesories, foods and a lot more.
However, there was one thing they didn't know.
Daisy was following them in the mall,
dispite she doesn't know they'd also come here.
She noticed they were holding hands and they were so close.
She thought she'd had a chance with kazuha.
Their relationship still doesn't seems to bother her,
She was a weird girl, she wouldn't care about it.
She might have some tricks behind their back,
who would let that happens anyway? Because what they also didn't know, raiden, scaramouche's sister noticed daisy was following them. She immedaitely know daisy was up to no good.

Raiden's POV

This girl, she is following my brother and his friends?
How strange. I followed her around to see. Once they left,
I'll have a chat with this girl. After my brother and his friends left. She follow them to the exit, and of couse i also followed her there. She quite short, she have brown hair with golden eyes. She was texting kazuha, one of my brother's friend. I grabbed her shoulder and she turnned to me. "Hi! Do you need anything?" The girl greeted innocently.
"I know your following them. Why?" I asked her in a serious tone. She looked like shes freaking out. "What..? How.?"
She was confused, i could tell. I saw what she was texting kazuha, i knew she definitely have a crush on him or something. I'll ask my brother about his friends later.
"Are you jealous of his friend or something? You should just accept the fact he's rejecting you." I said to her, she tried not to let a single tear dropped down her face. "I knew it." I said.
The texts she sent to kazuha was spamming full of words
That of those weird girls would say. I've seen people like those, and she is definitely one of those 'pick mes' type.
I have no idea how a person would be this desperate and selfish. "You better stay out of their way." I threaten her, and left. I texted my brother to warn them about this girl.
He said that her name is daisy, and that she's definitely jealous of their relationship. I knew it. They are together.
The way they look together definitely isn't only just friends.
Especially scara's bahavior towards them. Its rare to see him happy like this. I went back homr telling my mothers what happened to them. Our parents are ei and yae. They aren't the best but they do care for us. Especially ei. She loved us all, but not like yae. She have works to do, i suppose.
After our mothers heard those, ei was angered
While yae is telling me to keep them safe from her if i ever saw that daisy girl again.

Scara's POV

When raiden texted him about daisy.

"Guys? My sister warned me about daisy." I called them.
"Let me see." Kazuha look at my phone. He was shocked, he sighed. "That's no good. I hope you'll be alright in class kazu." Heizou said, trying to cheer kazuha. "Yeah." I agreed with heizou. That girl better mind her own business.
We played video game getting that topic off our head, it sas stressful. After playing for hours we went to beds and slept.

RAIDEN FIRST POV sorry for daisy's existence im running out of ideas tbh. But no worries raiden will get rid of her. Winks winks thumps up   <--- ignore whatever this is

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