Chapter 9

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Why hello there...i haven't been here for a while...:P

I just wanted to thank you all for the support you have given this story! I don't check Wattpad often so I don't see your comments and feedback right away. So if I don't reply promptly, don't worry! I'm not ignoring you, I'm just not online.

Also, another quick announcement: PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do NOT send me any requests to be in "The Critique." Critiques are only made during breaks from school. During school sessions, I CANNOT work on them. They are very time consuming and to give proper feedback, it takes me a while. I understand that there are many people who want to be in it; however, now is not the time to request it. So please stop sending me repeated messages. It's getting quite to the point where I might take it down for a while.

Ok that was the only bad news.


I looked at my dad and let out a fake laugh. "Dad! Boyfriend? Psh" I waved my hand carelessly, "This stupid kid doesn't know anything don't listen to him."

I patted Brett's head with my other hand, not extremely hard, but maybe enough to make him shut up.

"So, I will now excuse myself to go upstairs and work on my homework." I said quickly. 

Before my parents could answer, I scampered upstairs and closed the door to my room, breathless.

Gosh that was a close one.If Dad had caught me, I would've been dead meat.

It's all because of--Carter. I shivered. I hated saying his name. I hated thinking about him. I hated anything to do with him. I couldn't eat Ferrero Rochers anymore without almost crying because those were the first chocolates he bought for me on Valentine's Day. I couldn't wear my pink sweater from Victoria's Secret because that's the sweater I wore that he first told me that I was beautiful in. 

All the memories of Carter were balled up inside of me. I remembered when he first tried to kiss me, and instead, I fell down the steps of the stairs cause I leaned back to much and broke my leg. I loved the way he put his arm around my shoulder and held me close.

Then of course, as always, my mind swerves back to reality.

I never really got over the fact that Carter was gone. Completely. Never to come back. I could never forgive him for what he did to me. I loved him with my whole heart, and he broke it into a million pieces. But I knew if he came back to me, I wouldn't be able to reject him right away. I would consider it. I long for the past, when I could proudly say I had a boyfriend I loved forever and ever.

I wondered if Nate-- 

No Mia. No Nate. No Nate at all. He's a player. He plays girls and then leaves their lives forever. No. He's a jerk. You're just doing this as a dare. He means absolutely nothing to you. He's--

My phone vibrated with a new message.

What do you know, it's from Nate.

"Hey, you wanna meet up at the mall?"

Huh, well at least he knows the ettiquete of HOW to ask a girl to a date.

Well sort of.

This was like Level 3. When Veronica and I were younger, we made a book of the perfect rules that a guy had to follow to be the perfect boyfriend. It was a joke, but we still follow those rules in a way. We had five levels of approval. Level 1 was simply commanding the girl to go out somewhere. No politeness whatsoever. I ran into a couple guys like that--dumped them all like trash or as Veronica would say, "You might as well just killed them."

The Flirt vs. The Player [Editing] (Overall Winner of the Wattpad Story Contest)Where stories live. Discover now