Chapter 12

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Mia's P.O.V.

I found myself completely immersed in Nate's lips. 

They were so soft and tender, and as I closed my eyes, I felt so excited and simply ecstatic that the moment I had been wanting for so long had finally happened. 

Wait, what was I thinking? What was I doing?

My eyelids flew open and I pulled my lips away from Nate's. He looked surprised before saying, "Mia, what's wrong?"

"Nothing," I said quickly, "abosolutely nothing is wrong." 

Turning around, I walked out of Victoria's Secret, my face beet red. I had just had my first kiss at an underwear store. 

Picture perfect, huh?

Nate ran out after me and grabbed my arm, "Woah, wait up! Why are you all of a sudden so timid?"

"I'm not timid, not timid at all," I replied shortly. 


"Look, Nate, this was all a bet okay? I did this for a bet," I said angrilyl, losing patience, "there's nothing between us. I just needed a kiss from you to prove to my friends that I can be in a serious relationship." 

He looked so hurt. I wanted to grab the words I had just said from his ears and swallow them back up. 

"Mia, honestly, for me, it started as a bet too." He said slowly, ruffling his hair with his hand. 


"But that's just how it started as," he added quickly, "I actually found myself falling for you after a while. I just didn't want to admit it." Nate looked down at the floor, shuffling his shoes. 

He liked me? He really, really liked me? No, I can't, not again, not after Carter. 


I was interrupted by a girl stepping in between me and Nate, "Well, hello there, babe, long time no see." She drawled letting her finger trail down Nate's chest. 

I saw Nate's face grew ashen and his voice was seething with anger as he said, "Alyssa, I'm not your babe." He grabbed her hand and threw it off his chest. 

Not knowing exactly what to do, I just stood there uselessly and awkwardly. 

The girl named Alyssa scoffed and crossed her arms, "You can't tell me that you're over me, can you, Nate? I know you're not. I know you just," she pointed at me, "play around with girls here and there. Who's this, girlfriend number 65?" 

"Actually, more like girlfriend number 1, as the other girls he dated weren't worthy of that title," I said, pulling a smirk across my lips as I walked over and wrapped my arms around Nate, "including you."

Alyssa huffed and fumed, "You don't know who I am, do you?" 

"Oh please, I don't care who you are," I said nonchalantly waving her away with my hand, "run along now, Nate is mine." 

Nate looked surprised at my retorts and I clenched my teeth in a smile, "Just play along with it." 

He smiled, clearly amused at my performance. But he obeyed as he pulled me closer to him, "Alyssa, you should probably leave now," he said calmly. 

"Who are you to tell me bab girl to just leave?" A voice behind us drawled. 

Oh no, oh no. It was Carter. Carter, again. 

Nate noticed my confidence that had once been built up on a high pedestal in front of Alyssa tumble down to a pile of bricks as I heard Carter approach us. He squeezed my hand and I looked up into those beautiful eyes, "It's okay, I'm right here, all right?" He whispered. I took a deep breath and nodded. 

Carter walked past us and wrapped an arm around Alyssa pulling her basically on top of him. I scrunched my nose in disgust. 

"What's wrong, Mia? Jealous?" he asked, "You know, Nate, I used to wrap my arms around Mia all the time, but she was too stiff. Alyssa here is so soft and warm." He nuzzled his nose into Alyssa's neck as she giggled. 


"You know, Carter, I feel like you are just a pathetic piece of trash that should go rot in the deepest, darkest dumpster," I spat. 

I was suprised at myself. Did I just really say that to Carter? The one I couldn't stand up to for so long without crying?

Carter looked shocked but quickly recomposed himself, "Awh look at you, Mia, finally growing up with those insults huh? You should really settle down though, baby girl. Honestly, no guy likes a girl who's so stiff like you." 

"Stiff? Me, stiff? Carter, you are-" I didn't even know how to describe him. 

"A despicable creature, wouldn't you say so Mia?" Nate finished, grinning. 

I grinned back, thankful for his help, "I would most definitely agree." 

Carter's lips pulled up into a smirk, "Well, I see a little connection going on here. You know, Mia, since you and Nate seem to know everything about each other, you should know about his parents' divorce right?" 

I felt Nate tense up against me. 

Carter seemed to sense it too and continued, "You know why they're divorcing? Well, let me tell you--Nate's dad cheated on his mom with Lanie." He broke out into hoots of laughter. 

Nate's dad cheated with Carter's sister? 

I had a look of pity etched on my face as I turned towards Nate. He was fuming with anger. I could see his veins popping out of his neck and his face turn red as he clenched his fists, "You. You bastard. You're dead today."

Before I could stop him, Nate flew on top of Carter and began throwing his fists at his face. Carter laughed like a maniac as Nate drew blood here and there. I threw my arms around him, trying to stop him, "Nate! Nate! Please, calm down, please," I felt like crying. 

The mall security officers came and pulled Nate off of Carter. Carter looked like a mess; his hair was matted with blood and there were gashes on the side of his head. Nate's fist was covered with Carter's blood and he was breathing heavily. 

"Both of you are going to be sent to the police headquarters, let's move." One of the officers said curtly as the officers stood on either side of Nate and Carter and walked toward the vehicles. 

"Wait!" I cried, "Let me come with you." 

"Are you the guardian?" 

"No but-"

"Are you a witness?"

"Yes!" I frantically insisted, "Please, let me go with you." 

The officer hesitated before reluctantly concurring, "All right, but stay close." 

I grabbed a seat next to Nate. He didn't even look angry anymore--just lost and alone. I reached out a hand and patted his shoulder comfortingly. He looked at me, and I tried to smile at his beautiful face that had specks of blood scattered about. I placed my other hand in his hand and squeezed it, "It's going to be okay," I said, leaning on his shoulder, "It's going to be okay."

He didn't reply but simply closed his eyes and held my hand. It was a moment I knew I wouldn't forget. It was a moment when I really realized who Nate was. He wasn't this cocky tough guy that played all the girls like everyone thought. He was really just a boy who was scared his family was falling apart. 

He was alone. And he needed me. 

He needed me to be there for him. 

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