Chapter 3

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Mia’s P.O.V.

Gosh, why did this world ever invent math? It’s such a stupid, STUPID, subject.

Especially when you have a teacher like Ms. Wicket who basically is about to keel over any second anyway.

There’s no point! Who cares about x, y, and z and all those other letters of the alphabet that are suddenly called "variables"?

Yes, I do care about my grades so I do try.

Well, sort of.

I could hear Eileen softly snoring next to me and watched Veronica vigorously writing notes in her notebook. With her glasses on and her pencil moving like lightening, she really looked like the typical Asian nerd, besides the fact that she was one of the prettiest girls in our school.

No, Veronica is the prettiest girl at Canterburry High. With her long, dark hair and her laughing brown eyes, she was a true beauty. She had a great figure where the curves were in the right place. Her chest was perfectly proportional to the rest of her body and her legs were smooth and toned by all those years of running cross country. Damn, why can't I be as per-

“Miss Hart…Miss Hart…MISS HART!” my thoughts were broken by the shrieking by my oh-so-favorite teacher, Ms. Wicket. 

“Mith Hart, you wfere noth paying athention again!!” Ms. Wicket said, spitting out each word with a bit of a spittle coming out.

Poor front row…they probably thought it was raining inside or something.

“I am paying attention Ms. Wicket.” I said sweetly, cracking a smile.

“Vell vhat is the ansther to Section B, Question Number 1, Part c?” she sputtered. 

Rain, rain, go away, come again another day. 

 “Well,” I said calmly clearing my throat, “You see…” I paused and stole a quick look at Veronica with my begging eyes saying ‘let-me-see-your-notes-please-I-love-you-my-best-friend-forever!

She rolled her eyes but inched her notebook closer to me.

I sat up straight again and said, “OK so 6x+8y-4x-2=9x+2y-9-x. All you have to do is simplify the numbers making the x variables go together, and the y variables go together, and the regular numbers go together. And you would get the answer.”

“And vhat is vat ansther, Miss Hart?” Ms. Wicket asked, clearly disappointed that I was able to answer correctly.

“The correct answer is uh-“

 Oh thank you sweet baby Jesus! I shoved my notebook into my backpack as quickly as I could and shouted, "Have a great rest of the day, Ms. Wicket!" 

Before she could respond, I ran out the door, eager to leave. 

Veronica came out after me clearly looking amused.

“Well that was quite a performance Miss Hart!” she said with a laugh.

“I was lucky you were there with your notes all ready to go, thanks so much!” I replied giving her a big bear hug.

The Flirt vs. The Player [Editing] (Overall Winner of the Wattpad Story Contest)Where stories live. Discover now