Chapter 13

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Nate's P.O.V. 

We sat in the police station for what seemed like forever. 

I was answering the questions monotonously, still in shock at what Carter had told me. Dad was cheating on Mom with this piece of scum's mother?

Mia sat close next to me, her hand resting on my knee as she patted it consolingly. Honestly, I don't really know how I was able to get through all of this mess. If anything it was because of Mia. 

I looked at her as she patiently waited for the officer to finish filing the report and watched her beautiful lips move as she gave her tesitmony. Her hair was tangled, but still looked beautiful, as if it was naturally a sexy, messy tidal wave. 

I liked messy. 

"Nate, Nate!" Mia waved her arm in my face, "Hello? Were you daydreaming about me this time?" She teased. 

I shook myself out of my trance, "N-no, why would you say that?" I quickly turned around so that she couldn't see my cheeks blushing. 

"Stop playing the lovers' game, Mia, you're making me sick." Spat Carter. 

Mia stopped smiling and glared at that piece of scum, "Don't tell me what to do Carter, you nasty piece of scum."

My eyes widened. Wow, can she read minds or something?

The officer sat down in his chair and held the report in his hands. He looked from me to Carter, his eyebrows raised with a look of disappointment and as if he was about to lecture us. 

"Now boys..." He started. 

Oh no. 

" are both still young. You're seventeed for God's sake and what do you do? Do you really have nothing to do in your lives that you start a public fight at the mall? Aren't you two ashamed of yourselves? When I was a boy..."

Oh Jesus, please save me. 

"...this kind of behavior deserved a good whupping. I would give you two little knuckleheads a good whupping, but that's not my job. That's your parents' job. Speaking of your parents' we have just contacted them and-"

"WHAT?" Carter and I both leapt out of our chairs in unison. We gave each other a brief icy glare before saying, "What-"

I paused, "You know what? You say it." I sat back down. 

Carter went on, "What do you mean my parents are coming here? You called them? Are you nuts?"

The officer turned red, "Sit back down, young man! You have absolutely no right to speak to an officer like that! Look at you, already ruining your life like this!" 

Carter scoffed, "Who did you call, my mom or my dad?"

Looking through the report, the officer said nonchalantly, "You're Carter Mortimer, right? We contacted your mother, and Nate Daniels, we contacted your mother as well." 

Carter smirked and looked at me, "Well, looks like there may be another cat fight here." 

I was about to get up out of my seat and give him another black eye to go with the first one when Mia grabbed my arm, "Hold it in," she whispered, "hold it in, Nate, please." 

Clenching my fist, I tried to get out of her grasp, "Nate, please!" She whispered more desperately. 

Letting out a deep breath, I finally unclenched my fist and sat back down. 

"Nate Daniels! What in the world did you do that I had to come here at nine o'clock at night?" 

Look out, a tornado's coming. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2014 ⏰

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