Chapter 4

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Nate's P.O.V.

I drove myself home after school thinking about Mia. I replayed the conversation in which I had basically made the impression that I was seven years old. 

God, why am I thinking about her anyway? It shouldn't be that hard...or could it?

I mean she should be used to getting asked out by guys shouldn't she? Her reputation serves to show that she has quite a lot of experience in this field. 

Maybe I should wait for her to ask ME out. 

I remembered her wavy blonde hair and deep blue eyes, she was one beautiful girl.

No, I can't fall for her.

All I need to get from her is one kiss, it doesn't even have to be a kiss, a peck will do. I slammed on the brake as I pulled up on the driveway of my house.

Oh forget her, I'll figure something out. I slammed the car door shut and went inside.

"Nate! Nate!" my little sister, Annie, shrieked.

God, this girl has some vocal chords. Annie was thirteen, four years younger than me, four times more annoying, four times uglier, and four times fatter. 

Okay, the last two are probably not accurate, but seriously. She never knows when to shut up. 

"Oh my god Annie, bring it down a little bit will you?" I rubbed my ear, which was ringing from her unnecessary shrieking. "I know you love me little sis, but you can talk to me in a normal tone." I teased, ruffling her dirty blonde hair.

"Nate! Stop it!" she pushed my hand off her hair, "I'm serious! Something really bad happened!"

I wondered what my dramatic sister (like really drama queen dramatic) had to say now...

"What is it?" I asked, with a boring tone.

It wasn't normal if Annie didn't have any "bad news" to scream to the world. One time, she  l she bawled so hard because she got a little hangnail. Another time she cried uncontrollably and killed about a dozen trees (as Mia would put it--God, why am I thinking about her again) when her new shoes got a scratch, oh and the other time--

"Mom and Dad are divorcing!!"

This was new.

My head shot up and my eyes grew wide, "What? Annie, are you being serious or are you pulling another one of those pranks on me again?"

I prayed that she would all of a sudden break out into her evil smile and laugh at me for believing her again. But I could see the little tears forming in her eyes, "No, I heard Mom having a conversation with Grandma on the phone, she said that she can't stand him anymore and that she wants to get a divorce!"

I was utterly shocked. My parents had always gotten along fine, lately they were a bit on the edge, but my mom was already considering a divorce?

I looked down at my sister, not able to say anything.

I wanted to comfort her, but how could I when I really didn't know what to say?

Suddenly, I got angry. Why would they get a divorce? Do they even think about me and Annie? What would happen to us?

I stood up, "Annie, I'm going up to my room. Go do your homework." I stormed up the stairs but was able to hear her last retort.

"You don't even care do you, Nate? All you care about is girls and being popular at school! Ugh, why did I even go to you?" I could hear her angry footsteps as she paced back and forth in the kitchen, muttering to herself loudly.

I shut the door of my room and laid down on my bed. Great, first I have to date a girl who I seemed to be a fool, and now I have to deal with my parents' possible divorce.

I pulled out my math homework, trying to distract myself with the problems facing me. I began doodling on the side margins as I tried to free my mind. 

Divorce, divorce, divorce, the word echoed through my head. Slamming my pencil down on my worksheet, I leaned back against my chair and sighed. 

Wow. Life couldn't get any worse right now.

The Flirt vs. The Player [Editing] (Overall Winner of the Wattpad Story Contest)Where stories live. Discover now