Chapter 6

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"You can't lie for your life, Mia." she said, smiling. I shrank back, my cheeks turning beet red. Oh great.

Veronica finally gave me my phone back, "Now ask him." I looked over at Eileen for any sort of help, but she just nodded in agreement.

Sighing, I picked up my phone and started typing a new text message...

Chapter 6

Automatically, my fingers moved automatically to the letters they were looking for while my brain was screaming, "NO! The guy is supposed to ask the girl! Why in the name of pickles would you agree to do this kind of dare?"

I closed my eyes, listening to the voices arguing in my head, then threw my phone down in fury, "I can't do this!" I yelled.

Before I ran out of the room at top speed escaping from my friends' evil plans. I snuck into the kitchen, and looked inside the refrigerator, scanning for the food I was in dire need of when I spotted it on the top shelf.

I grabbed the delicious fruit out of the fridge, slammed the door shut, and sat down at the table with a spoon in hand happily scooping delicious morself from the shell...

"Uh, Mia? What's up with the watermelon?" I heard a voice behind me.


Sheepishly, I turned around and found myself looking at a confused Veronica and a bewildered Eileen.

Oh great.

"Why are you eating...watermelon?" asked Veronica, trying to keep a straight face.

"I feat fwafterfelon fwhen fI'm fmad." I said, with a whole chunk of watermelon in my mouth.

"Sorry, I don't speak stuffing-my-mouth-with-watermelon language," said an amused Veronica, "talk after eating."

I swallowed the sweet, juicy redness with a big gulp and said, "I eat watermelon when I'm mad."

I watched my friends' expressions change from confused to amused, until they were giggling so hard they were rolling on the floor.

I blushed furiously, "It's NOT funny!! Veronica, you shave your legs using lotion because you hate doing it in the shower!! And Eileen, you cover a lollipop in sugar before you start licking it 'cause you say that it's not sweet enough!!" I fumed, trying to get justice for my watermelon eating habit. 

The giggles turned into loud, hooting laughter.

The Flirt vs. The Player [Editing] (Overall Winner of the Wattpad Story Contest)Where stories live. Discover now