CLXXIX- Oh The Drama

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"I'm sorry, I know this is random. I'm just a little unsure of the protocols here." No way this is happening right now. "I'm not really sure where to start."

"Start with why you're here." At my door, claiming to be Matthew's biological father. I thought he was gone, long lost. Even Katherine said we didn't have to worry about him and here he is. Being perfectly pleasant and calm.

I'm not calm. I'm freaking the fuck out. "Look, I just found out I had a son and I took a very expensive flight from Colorado-"

"Colorado?" I repeated back to him. He's from Colorado, and my guess is it's not far from little Brookview.

Marin nods slowly, "Yep. And I know I'm unannounced but I didn't have your number and...are you okay? You're sweating." No, I'm not okay. It's clear that the Dyer's found him and told him about us and Matthew. The real question is...why? What are they playing at?

"I'm fine." I'm quick to say. "Please c-come in." I step aside to let him through. I wish Shawn were here so I didn't have to handle this on my own.

But what would he do? Would he be the calm and collected Shawn? Or would he be the Shawn that acts out in anger when he's scared? Scared, that's only one word to describe how I'm feeling right now. I'm scared the Dyer's orchestrated this to take Matthew away from us.

Regardless, I lead him to sit down on the couch. He looks around, clocking any of Matthew's toys still lingering. "This is a really nice place." He comments, still shamelessly looking. "Way better than my shit hole in Brookview."

I sit down across from him, "You live in Brookview?"

Marin nods as he leans back, "Yeah, I went to school a few hours away and moved up there last year. You know it?"

"Yeah," I laugh. "I grew up there."

"Oh, so she's not just a city girl." Marin stands up to get a closer look at the pictures hanging up on the wall. Family photos of Matthew, Shawn, and I. "Oh shit." He curses as he points to Shawn and looks at me, "This is Mr. Morgan. He was my teacher senior year."

The old me would've flinched at this. Now, I remind myself that we're out in the open. If the world can read my story then I can tell a stranger. "He was mine too." I say, silently hoping Shawn and I had a different meet cue.

Marin smiles, "Wow. How old are you? Twenty-one? Twenty-two?"

"Twenty-three." I corrected him.

"Hmm." He turns away from the picture and sits back down. "It's not that surprising. Every girl fawned over him in school. It was only a matter of time before he caved in."

I shake my head, "It wasn't like that."

"I'm sure." His humor-laced reply throws me off guard.

It's not the rudest comment I've received, but it certainly isn't the nicest. "I'm sorry but- why are you here exactly?"

Marin scratches his nose and sits up, "I just found out I have a son. He's six and I never even knew he existed. I'm here because I want to meet him. I don't plan on taking him away from you guys because you seem like nice people who live a comfortable lifestyle." His eyes wander around the room as he talks. "You can imagine this is all very surprising."

"Yeah, but how did you find out? I mean, Katherine said she never told you." Last we checked anyway.

Marin sighs, "I guess there was a DNA test that her parents found from like...five years ago?" He shrugs, "I have no idea how she got my DNA to test but here we are." He seems so nonchalant about the whole thing, as if it's just another day. To me, it's a small dose of deja vu. Katherine tested Shawn as well, she used it as a pawn in one of her games. The way she finally revealed Shawn wasn't the father was the first nice thing she did for us. I remember how scared Shawn was. He was teetering between having a son, possibly losing me because of it, and dealing with the possibility of fatherhood. If I were in his shoes, I wouldn't know where to begin.

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