CXCI- Take a Break

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A/N: Shorter chapter but we're building up to some juicy content so hang in there. Don't forget to comment and vote my lovelies! 


"Maybe you just need a vacation." Hunter suggested with a nonchalant shrug. "You see me, my marriage is falling apart. Yours is different."

I pick up my fork and stab the scrambled egg on my plate. "How is mine different?" Aside from the obvious.

Hunter leans back in his chair. Our server comes up to us with a pot of coffee. "Would you like a refill?" The young man asked. He reminds me of the time I worked here with Katie.

"Please." Hunter agrees with a look in his eyes. He thinks our server is cute.

"None for me, thanks." I love coffee as much as the next mom but I'll be all jittery and anxious.

Once he leaves, I take a bite of my food and swallow before Hunter finally responds. "You two were off and on for two years in a row. Then, when you finally do come out you have a son together. You two have never been normal. You both got thrown into parenthood. Maybe what you need is time together. To rediscover each other, you know?" Once again Hunter makes more sense in my own relationship than I do.

"I can't just up and leave though. I have Matthew, Becca is back in town, Jenny is about to give birth, Jack and Katie are doing this weird thing, and Marin is still hanging around." The more I list off the more I realize just how crazy everything is right now.

Hunter smiles at me in a way that's more telling than his words. "I'm not saying leave for a month. I'm saying take a weekend. Go do something fun and be with your man. Reconnect." Either that or it's the end for us. If we can't work this out on our own then what was all of this for?

"Maybe you're right." I admitted.

Hunter laughs, "Of course I am."


When I get back home I find Shawn in his office. He types away on his computer as if his life depends on it. "Hey." I greet him, stepping inside the room and making my way to his desk. "I think I have just the thing for us."

His typing stops as he gives me his attention. "What's that?"

"A vacation. Just for a weekend. We can stay at your house in Brookview or somewhere else. Anywhere else." I don't care as long as we're together. Although I do think it would be nice to go back home. On a deeper level I want to prove to him that I'm not afraid of Dean.

Shawn sighs and closes his laptop. "I don't know if that's such a good idea, Livia."

"Why not?" I asked. "We need time with each other. We need to be a real couple." I don't use the word again because we never were real. I feel like we've been playing imposters for a while now.

I walk over to him and lean down, running my hands down his chest from behind him. "I'll admit it sounds nice but we have so much going on here. What about Matthew?"

"Again, it's just for a couple of days. Maybe we should let Marin have a shot at watching him." Shawn tenses at Marin's name. The idea alone is enough to have him say no. I just hope he realizes how much we really do need this.

"I don't know, Livia." He's thinking about it at least. "I'm not opposed to it but we have a lot to figure out first."

"So let's figure it out." I said. "I think we need a break from how hectic things have been here. Don't you?"

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