CLXXVI- Happy Birthday, Matty

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I took the weekend to prepare for Matthew's party. Balloons, check. Cake, check. Invitations, check. Adult beverages for the parents, check, check, and triple check just in case we run out. "I just can't believe him, you know? Five years just gone, thrown away by some cheapskate." Katie's frustration rolls off of her in waves. She's focused on the red goodie bags for the kids and for obvious reasons, Jack. "I mean, he still hasn't signed the divorce papers. What am I supposed to do? Live with you guys forever?" It's no surprise that the diner never gave Katie very much financial stability but, well, I thought they got a prenup.

Regardless, I smirk, "You could. We love having you." Matthew has always taken a special liking to Katie, that's why we're so comfortable with her here. We've had a few bad experiences with daycare and other sitters in the past. Then we moved our schedules around and it was hard for the three of us, never being in the same room together for more than five minutes.

Now we're there for more family time during the day. Katie's also kind of my best friend now, "I love being here. I just-" She huffs out of frustration, "I've never been by myself before." Save for the time I moved out of the dorms to live with Shawn.

"And you're dying to find your independence?" I nod, "I get it." When the day comes that she wants to pursue her independence and leave, I'll help her without a complaint. That would be the least I could do after everything. "What about Jack?" I asked because I can't help myself. "He accepted the invite to the party."

Katie shrugs, as if all the care she held for him on her shoulders could fall off that easily. "I knew things would be awkward when I decided to divorce him. I'll be okay."

My phone vibrates in my pocket, I pull it out to answer, "Hey, honey, what's up?"

"Matthew is getting antsy, I think we're going to head back soon." Shawn voices on the other line. "When does everyone get there?"

I look down at the invites, "Should be in an hour."

"Perfect, we'll see you soon. I love you."

"I love you too, bye." Click. I hang up first and relay the information to Katie. We begin to hussle, finishing up our condo to look like Spider-man's lair.

The second we've put the last of the balloons up, someone rings the bell. I rush to the door and open it without even seeing who it is. I stand there gaping at the man before me. "Hunter, hi." He steps over the threshold and into my condo, wrapping his long arms around me.

I hug him back, missing my redheaded friend. "Hey, Livia." His voice is much more grounded than the last time I saw him.

We pull away to look at each other, "I-I'm sorry I just wasn't expecting you."

"Yeah, um, I left Matthew's present in the car, walk down with me?" I nod, grabbing my jacket before walking out with him.

"How have you been?" I asked after a few moments of silence.

He nods eagerly, "I'm good you know...i've been working a lot so I'm sorry I haven't been around." I already knew this about him. After Hunter graduated, he started as a paralegal in a law firm. We haven't seen much of him since then.

I stuff my hands deep in my pockets, "It's okay, I've been busy too. So, are you a hotshot lawyer yet?"

Hunter smiles as we go down the elevator together, "Not yet. I'm still in school but I graduate in the spring." There's no doubt that his law firm will take him on the second he passes his bar. "What about you? I uh-" Hunter clears his throat, "-I read your book."

The elevator opens and we step out in unison, "You did huh? Is that why you're here? Because I didn't say anything that would jeopardize you-"

He interrupts. "I know." Hunter looks down at his feet, "Besides even if you did I couldn't be mad. Not since..." He trailed off as we made it outside. 

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