CLXXXII- The Bodies in Our Closet Part two

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Roughly Four Years Ago

Shawn's P.O.V.

I step into the bar ready to talk to Ty. I need to know that he's in love with Livia. That he'd do anything for her just like I would. I need to find out if she made the right choice. Of course at the end of the day, it won't matter. She'll still be with Ty and not me.

I thought I could get over it but I'm finding it harder every day. It doesn't help that she's here with him. She's wearing a short dress, mesh, and form fitting. Her boobs are propped up, telling me she's wearing a push up bra. Is it the black lace one? The one I've ripped off of her so many times? Ugh, it doesn't matter. I shake my head to rid my thoughts but I can't take my eyes off of her.

Of course it's a sight for sore eyes when Ty's hands grab onto her waist. Neither of them have noticed me yet and I prefer it that way. "Hey, handsome." Layla walks up to me, her hips moving in sync to her steps. She's beautiful, stunning really, but she's not Livia. "Where's your long lost brother?"

"Uh-he's with Katie." That's a lie, I have no idea where he is. I came here for Livia. And as I talk to Layla, my eyes are on Ty and his roaming hands. Their chemistry is sickening and I can feel it from here. I notice how he looks when he's watching her dance. It's like he's undressing her with his fucking eyes.

Layla figures out pretty quick where my attention is. She grabs my face and forces me to look at her. "Enough. She's not yours anymore." I want to get mad at her for saying that. Unfortunately it's not that easy when her voice sounds like smooth silk.

"I-I can't help it." I-not so easily-admit.

Layla lowers her hand from my face and intertwines with her hand. "Come with me, handsome. I'll make you feel better." When she was dragging me away the last thing I thought about was sex. But I wanted whatever she was going to offer me. Just for the night. Just for a few hours-even. I need to stop thinking about someone I can never have again.

Layla dragged me to a back room with a couch. I immediately recognized it because I found Ty and Livia in here. They were this close to fucking, but she ran after me. She chose me, just like always. Layla gestured for me to have a seat and so I did. Layla grabbed a pre rolled joint from a wooden box on the coffee table.

She hands it to me, with a lighter. "Here, baby." It's so weird to have Layla's focus. She's wild, and she only spends time with people she thinks is worth her time. So I prove I'm worth her time and put the butt end in my mouth.

I cough at first, but after a few hits my body remembers what it's like. I sigh a breath of relief as it hits me. "That's better." I say as we pass it back and forth.

"Now that I've given you free drugs, you have to answer my questions."

"Okay." I give in.

Layla makes herself comfortable beside me, puff puff passing. "Why aren't you and Livia together? You're clearly soulmates or something. I've never seen a fucking connection like the two of you." Of course it would be about Livia. I can't get away from her.

I feel my mouth go dry, Layla picks up on this and grabs me a bottle of water from the mini fridge in the room. After some much needed hydration, I answered her. "She was pregnant. We were going to be a family but..."

"But?" She pried.

I  start to get choked up, she notices and allows me to take my time. "The truth is, it's not my story to tell."

"So what?" Layla laughs, "No, so what? You think she hasn't told Ty about her baggage? Please, they're all over each other out there and you're worried about her feelings." Layla scoots closer to me, "Stop giving a shit about what she thinks."

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