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Screams of Thomas. They were the only thing running through my head as I was sitting in a little helicopter right after escaping the maze that we were stuck in for god knows how long. Even tho my personal experience in the maze was just a month long , our glade was the only thing that I knew. And I mean quite literally since I have no memory left . Sometimes I think it was a godsend , losing my memories , thinking maybe it was a good thing not remembering my past in the world that is ruined. But sometimes I just think that I was robbed.

  My cheeks were burning from the tears I cried while having to leave Chuck. Chuck . He was my best ever friend in the whole wide world. My will to survive, my partner in crime , my other half , my son.

Everybody was awfully quiet. I mean , it's understandable but I had to make an interaction with somebody because I felt like I was going to go out of my mind. Newt was next to me and he was one of the people I trusted with my life , so I just laid my head down on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around me. I couldn't help but feel like crying , and in my situation i think that that was pretty normal , so I just hugged Newt and started crying with my face stuffed in his neck. I know what you must be thinking , and no. Newt  was like a brother to me. You know that one classmate that you have that is concerningly close to their sibling? Newt and I were exactlyl ike that. I had no idea that i knew stuff like that but they were just like distant memories , the more i tried to remember more about it , the more i forgot.

When Newt noticed that I was crying he hugged me back. After a few minutes I calmed down and fell asleep.

so i know this chapter is short asf but i just wanted you guys to get the idea yk. so i promise the other chapters aren't going to be this short. also i may have like TONS of spelling mistakes so i am really really sorry.

also i need help.

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vents in our minds//aris jonesWhere stories live. Discover now