mall chicks

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this song is so fun i love it.

"Okay go! We can loose them in the storm."
Thomas yelled as we were running out of the W.C.K.D headquarters. We ran up a mountain and just as we were about to keep running, Thomas yelled at everyone to get down because of the W.C.K.D guards surrounding us. We got up and continued running in the same direction, but Teresa wasn't. "Teresa? Teresa what are you doing?"
"Come on!" Was the only response I got.
We ran to what looked like ruins of a building. Surprisingly all the windows were well , except one that was smashed right from the middle. "Teresa!? Maria?!" I heard Thomas yell while Teresa and I went through the smashed window. When I was trying to get inside , a piece of glass broke and slightly slashed my arm. I slightly winced at the sight of it.
"You okay?" I heard Frypan ask from behind me. "No I'm okay." I said pushing my lips into a line.

When everyone got inside of the building, Teresa broke the silence. " Thomas, what's going on?" Right then it occurred to me that Teresa did not know the reason we had to storm out of the headquarters, sure she was aware of the fact that it was an urgent matter , but she did not know why. " Come on we've gotta go! We have to move!"
"No , wait Tho-"
"We gotta go w-"
"Thomas stop! Tell me what's going on."

"It's W.C.K.D . It's always been W.C.K.D ."
"They lied to us , we never escaped. Me and Aris we found bodies-"
"Dead bodies?" Minho asked speaking all of our thoughts aloud. "No but they weren't alive either." "They had them strung up , they were being- , they were being drained."

With the corner of my eye I saw Teresa scratching the back of her neck looking somewhat , guilty? She looked up at Thomas breathing heavily. " There's something inside of us that W.C.K.D wants , something in our blood. Okay ? So , so we need to get away from them as far as possible."

Newt joined in the conversation "Okay , okay so what's the plan?" He asked. Thomas just shook his head. "Thomas you do have a plan right?" I asked already frustrated from the scratch on my arm. "Yeah I don't-"
"Well we followed you out here Thomas now your saying you have no idea what we're doing or where we're going?!" I said raising my voice. Just as I turned around Aris spoke up. "Wait , Janson was talking about people hiding in the mountains , some kind of resistance or army."
"The Righ Arm." Thomas finished his sentence. " If they're really against W.C.K.D than maybe they can help us. "

Newt sighed clearly frustrated " People , in the mountains, mountain people , that's your plan?"
I snickered at his comment and everybody turned to me . "Right yeah , sorry." Aris was smiling at me so it was quite impossible to contain mine too , everybody looked at us weird but i think some of them assumed that we were smiling at each other because we thought it was funny , i hope.

"Hey guys! Check this out , Minho give me a light." Winston said from behind looking at something on the floor. We walked over to him and looked at what he was talking about , and there were footprints. "Someone's been down here." He said as Minho shined the light further away. We saw a door , some kind of store "Here come on open up." Minho said opening its door with Frypan. Inside there were clothes, water , medicine and so much more. "Looks like people lived here." Aris said "Where are they now?" I answered.

"Let's pick some of this stuff up , anything you think you might need. We'll split up see what else we can find." Thomas said putting on a jacket he had found. " We'll meet back here. " And with that everyone split up , looking for stuff that may help us.

As I was looking around i saw Aris walking over.
I gave him a small smile and he gave one back.
"Do you think we'll be able to find any , stable clothes here? It's kinda cold." I asked him while he was walking towards me. "Well I hope so." He replied. Rummaging through the clothes on the ground. Teresa called my name from my side "Hey Maria , I found some clothes that I think might fit us , I mean we're practically the same size. " She said and I smiled . "Thanks T."
"Hey girls" Aris said from behind Teresa "Catch." He threw two scarf's at us , one pink and one red . " Thank you Aris ." I said smiling at him "Anytime " He responded and went back to looking for more stuff as Teresa and I went out to go somewhere to get changed. "Oh Maria that scratch looks pretty bad ." Teresa said looking at my arm . " Omg yeah , I honestly forgot about it , I mean we should probably find some bandages for it." "Yes totally. Look this place seems fine. We'll change here."

Teresa had found some leggins and a sweater (again). After we had changed into the clothes we went back to the meeting spot to look for some kind of bandages for the wound on my arm. "Hey Newt , could you help us find some bandages for my arm , I scratched it on some glass while going through the window." Newt turned around and looked at my arm. Slightly wincing he responded "Yes , sure I'll help you."

After looking around for 2 or so minutes we found some bandages to wrap my arm , and Teresa helped me to do so. Just as I was walking over to Aris I heard Frypan "Hey guys?" He said looking at something in the distance. I squinted my eyes to try and see what he was looking at and when I finally got a good look at what he was looking at , I saw Thomas and Minho running like crazy and waving their flashlight around like madmen. I looked at Aris with a confused faced and when I heard Newt say "Shit." I looked back. And I saw dozens of cranks running after them . "Shit! " I yelled while turning around to start running.

We ran around a corner and started running up some stairs, it looks like this place used to be a mall.

Winston yelled "Thomas , Minho what the hell are those things!?" "Cranks!" I yelled back. When we got off of the escalators we turned another corner. "Move go!" Minho yelled trying to encourage us. We turned around a corner once again and a crank blocked our way. Aris gripped tightly on his bat and started running towards the thing. "Aris no!" I practically screamed. But he hit it right in the knees and it fell in the middle of our little group. As some people were heading towards some other escalators and I quickly kissed Aris's cheek and said " You crazy bastard!" He chuckled at my comment. We got over with our cute little moment and started running up the escalators. As I hit the third step, a crank held on my leg and tried to pull me but luckily I kicked it in the face and ran up. Everybody was sprinting at this point , even Newt was beyond his limit and you know why I mentioned him... As we were running for our lives , a crank suddenly jumped out of a window next to us and jumped on newt. "Newt!" Thomas screamed as he kicked the crank off of him. Newt gripped on to Thomas " Thanks Tommy!" And Thomas nodded. We went into some kind of long corridor and sprinted , looking for an exit , out of this place. We reached some doors and Thomas tried every single one , but all of them were locked. Finally he found one and said "This one!" And kicked it with all his might , he started helping him trying to break the lock on the other side of the door. We all kicked it and pushed it but nothing seemed to be working " I'll hold them off!" Winston yelled and pointed his gun towards the cranks , started shooting at them , I wondered where he had gotten the gun from?

After loads of attempts trying to open the door Frypan finally backed away and kicked it so hard that it flung open. "Come on Winston let's go!" I yelled and started running. We were at the garage and there was light at the other end . I heard a loud thud and immediately whipped my head around and saw Winston being pulled inside the corridors . I tried running and helping the boys but Aris held his hand infront of me , "Stop, let me go!" "Maria we have to run." "Aris w-" " Now!" He yelled and started running while holding my hand we ran straight into the light and with the corner of my eyes I saw the boys and Winston also running and I was a tad bit relieved, the only problem was that the boys were half carrying Winston.

"Under here!" Thomas whisper shouted,pointing at some of the ruins. We quickly got under and turned off all our flashlights , trying our hardest not to make a single sound. Everything went dark and I felt somebody wrap there arms around my waist from behind me. I got closer to whom ever it was and put my head on theirs, we stayed like that for a while , waiting for the cranks to leave us alone.

yaaaa welcome back everybody.
Now that I'm in a part of the book that is sort of calmer SO ALOT OF ARISxMARIA COMING WOOOHOOO (I hope)
also i think that i forgot to tell you guys but maria has a british accent

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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