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  I woke up to the sound of gunshots.I know right? Holy shit. I was still feeling sleepy so i had no idea what was going on , but a man shoved me and Newt out of the helicopter we were in and told us to run to the very large doors we saw , so we did. I looked at Newt over on my left and he looked just as confused as I was , just less sleepy. When we reached the doors two "guards" opened the doors and shoved us inside, then they quickly closed them back. They were rapidly shooting the guns to what looked like people , the people that were mentioned in the video we watched after the maze. Cranks. Creepy right?

    Just as we were trying to examine our surroundings, a man came over to us. "hello kids!" He was shouting , sounding like he was excited a little bit. "My name is Janson. Welcome. I would really appreciate it if you all followed me very quickly." We all stood there not knowing if we should trust the man or run away. I looked at Teresa who was standing next to me , we gave each other confused glances and started walking behind Thomas and Frypan. "Mr. Janson ," Thomas started but he was cutt of by Janson or so his name was. " Please , call me Janson."                          "Okay , Janson" Thomas started again awkwardly. "What's going on?" Thomas asked and Janson didn't answer until he led us to a room and shoved us inside. "Nothing we can't handle." Janson said and quickly closed the door.

I raised my eyebrows as he walked away. We turned around and were surprised by the feast that was right in front of us. It's like each of us forgot how to do anything , we were just frozen. Winston and Minho started snickering and Frypan yelled "I call dibs on the rice" so all of us sprinted to the food. I saw a bowl of grapes and shoved a bunch in my mouth. I saw Newt biting on some chicken and Teresa eating the rice with Fry. We all finally sat down and got plates , everybody was laughing very very loudly. It felt so nice to finally have real food , eating it all without worrying about saving some for the next day. It felt like the world had stopped. It was like we were normal teenagers and the outside world wasn't a total shit show.

From the corner of my eye I saw Teresa was grabbing some rice in her hand , she threw it in Thomas's face and I just couldn't stop laughing. Thomas raised his eyebrows and threw some rice at Teresa as well. Since Minho was sitting next to her it also hit his face "Hey!" he yelled and threw some rice back at him. Suddenly there was food flying everywhere , I was laughing uncontrollably as I threw grapes at Winston.

Whe were now laying down on some matresses on the side of the room.                                                  "Do you really trust these guys?" Minho asked breaking the silence.                                                          "Well I mean , after that feast i just ate , I think I do." Frypan said making me tilt my head sideways in agreement.                                                                                                                                          " "Yeah guys we're probably just thinking too much." Teresa said and the door opened just when she was finishing her sentence. Janson walked in and we all quickly stood up. " Sorry for the wait , we just had to take care of somethings" He looked back at the table and smirked.                "Now , let's do something about that smell."


The feeling of warm water was amazing in every way , it was nice since I had to shower in freezing cold water at 6 in the morning everyday for over a month. I could hear the boys cheering from the other room so I smiled to myself.

I got dressed with some clothes that they gave to me. Grey leggings , a white crop top , an oversized blue sweatshirt and a pair of white socks with a pair of white sports shoes. I walked out of the showers and saw Teresa , Newt , Winston and Fry waiting in some kind of room. I went inside the room and right after me Thomas and Minho came in. Janson stood up from a desk he was sitting and and clapped his hands together. "Perfect!" he walked out of the room and let us to a room that looked like a lab. There were two treadmils and a bunch of wires hooked up to them and some kind of medical bed in the left corner of the room.

Minho and Frypan were running on the treadmills , Teresa was sitting on the bed , a woman was measureing my height , a man was taking blood from Thomas and some other man was injecting a huge pile of blue liquid in to Newt's arm. "Are you Teresa?" a womans voice broke me out of my thoughts . Teresa nodded and the woman closed the curtians around the bed.


They took the boys to another room so i was all alone in this one. It had a bed on the right corner and a bedstand next to it. There was a sink and a mirror on the left side of the room. I saw sweatpants on top of the bed so i changed in to them and laid down on my bed. I closed the lamp on top of my bedstand.

I started sobbing , it all hit me now that I was alone and it was quiet.

There are two kinds of helpless. The first kind is where something happens and nothing is able to rescue you. When you're all alone in the sea of madness and there is not one life boat to help you swim. It's when you're all alone and there is not one rescue boat to prevent the sharks to get to you. The second kind is uncontrollable , it's like your body is just working on auto-pilot and whatever you do , nobody, anybody can stop whatever is happening to you.

And right now I was the definition of helpless in everyway possible.

kk omg this is also super short but like oh well i'm trying to make them longer but they go like episodes so i'm trying my best. also my sentences do not make any sense.



vents in our minds//aris jonesWhere stories live. Discover now