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I'd met a girl. She had very long curly brown hair and olive skin with light brown eyes that held a sense of familiarity in them , almost like she knew you your entire life. It was crazy of course, I was going crazy , she was making me go crazy. It had hardly been twenty four hours since i met this girl and yet i couldn't stop thinking about her voice , about her soft british accent and her smile. But of course I would never tell her any of this because she probably would call the cops on me , if you can even do that anymore...

I couldn't stop thinking about how she formed her lips into a line anytime a conversation was getting akward , how quickly her mood could change or just little things about her i just couldn't help but feel like i knew her from somewhere...

heyo im back.
also i think there's a football game going on rn because my upstairs neighbors are going craazzyyy ahahaha

also i'm just going to stop giving a fuck about how long the chapters are cuz i just cannot

vents in our minds//aris jonesWhere stories live. Discover now