Chapter 3: Free-For-All

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After scavenging whatever they found from the battlefield, and saddened by losing some men in that, Sonic looked at some Dog Tags he has collected and tighten his grip.

"Does he ever learn...? Does he learn we're not just tools? Does ever learn to give up?"  Sonic asked himself.

"When I see that Egghead again, I'm going to kill him..." Sonic jumped as he looked back to see Amy sucking on a lollipop.

"Killing won't do any right...." Sonic told Amy.

"Pfft, always naive. Can't believe I loved you." Sonic's heart shattered a bit as the pink hedgehog walked out.

"Amy, wait...." Sonic got up and turned back to see her already gone. His ears went down as the blue hedgehog started to cry. "I'm sorry...."

-------------------------------------------*2 hours later*-----------------------------------

They arrived at a fortress and left the plane with some happy faces to see some of their friends again, but some are sad but angry that they lost some doing that fight.

"Sonic, great to see you alive." A certain red echidna walks up to him.

"Great to see you to, Knux." Sonic gave a slight smile.

"Lost a lot, huh?" Sonic nodded, leaving Knuckles sighing. "We can't lose morale, at least thanks to the reinforcements Shadow brought, we stood a chance and didn't worry losing more men."

"Knuckles... Amy's..." Sonic got interrupted by a female voice saying, "Ms. Amy!" They looked at the direction to see Cream and Cheese hugging Amy.

"We're so happy you're alright!" Cream cried, sobbing.

Amy put up a small smile, "My Cream, you've grown so much..."

"It's great to see you again, Amy!" Tails patted her back.

"Where have you been, Pinkie?" Rouge asked.

"Training with my dad." Amy told them.

"Dad?" Cream asked.

"That would be me," They turned to see the old fox, sipping his tea. "Vierno Hector, at your service."

"Huh, this Geezer doesn't look so tough." Charmy said as he flew around him. Vierno grabbed one of the bee's fingers and pull-twist it, causing Charmy, "Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow."

"What was that young man?" Vierno asked.

"You're a great soldier...!" Charmy whined. Vierno let his finger go as he was holding it.

"That was amazing..." Espio said in awe.

"Always respect your elders." The fox told everyone.

"Y-Yes sir...." They all agreed, not wanting to get punish by the Ge-(Narrator's felt chills as Vierno looks at him)fox....

"Since you trained all these years, let's do a match like the good old days?" Rouge asked.

Shadow sighed, "Good old days where I bet the faker multiple times."

"It's only like what, 5 times?" Sonic asked, getting a bit mad.

"I'll be the referee!" Charmy said. "This will be a Free-For-All Tournament! Rules are no weapons that can be fatal and if out of zone, consider a knockout! Last one standing will BEE the victor!" Everyone groans at the pun Charmy just made, making him laugh. "Competiton will be Sonic, Amy, Tails, Knuckles, Rouge, Cream, Shadow, and Omega!"

"3," Everyone goes to their positions, "2," Everyone stretches, "1," Everyone goes to their stances, "GO!" Charmy flew up as everyone starts fighting. Rouge flew around Omega as the bot tried to shoot electrical shocks at her. Sonic rushes at Knuckles and butt heads with each other. Tails fires his cannon at Cream as her and Cheese rush at him.

"So, what you going to do without your hammer?" Knuckles asked as he bump his fist together.

Amy goes into a Kun-Fu position, "Care to find out, knucklehead?" Knuckles growled as he charges at the hedgehog. Amy dodges his punch and then immediately grabbed his arm; she lifted him up and toss him to the ground. "Takes a lot more than a simple punch!" Amy took out a lollipop, unwrapped it and starts sucking on it. Taking it as offensive, Knuckles tried to uppercut her but Amy dodge and threw him out of the zone.

"Knuckles is knock out!" Charmy yelled out. Tails was able to knock out Cream by using the grapple that his cannon have. Rouge was able to sneak attack Omega and knock him out. Sonic uses his spin dash to knock out Shadow. They all go to the sidelines to watch them. Sonic starts going after Tails as Rouge went behind Amy and grabbed her by the leg and starts flying up. Amy tries to struggle out, but Rouge's grip is too tight.

"What you going to do now Pinkie?" Rouge teased as Amy looks around.

"Just like father said," Amy looked up while smirking, "Just think on instinct." She lifts herself up and use her free foot to kick the bat's chin, causing Rouge to let go. Sonic uses his Homing Attack to knock out Tails and looked up to see Amy starting to free fall.

"Amy!" Sonic said with feared. Amy uses her grappling hook to grip on Rouge's leg, pulling her down with her.  Vierno stopped Sonic chasing to catch her. "Let me go!"

"Just watch!" Vierno said, as he looked up. Once they got closer, Amy uses one of the lampost to swing before Rouge's head hit the ground, she let go of the lamp and landed back in the zone.

"Time for a nap, Batsy!" Amy fired back, causing Rouge to pout.

"Well play, Pinkie..." Rouge thoughted.

"Rouge and Amy are Knock Out!" Charmy declared.

"WHAT?!?!" Amy said angerly. "But I didn't touch the ground!"

"But I said 'if' you're out of the zone. Since you left the zone, you're knock out. Sorry but those are the rules." Charmy explained, causing Amy to growl while leaving.

"I can't believe I lose to the hedgehog...." Amy walks in the building.

"Well, that's one why to end the day..." Knuckles said. "We'll come up with our next plan tomorrow."

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