Chapter 7: A Giving Chance

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Amy just received a word that she's enjoying the mission so she's walking to the Meeting Room and once she arrives, she notices many others, including Sonic.

"Alright everyone, here's the plan," Shadow got everyone's attention. "This will be an Infiltrate and destroy. This is the factory here. Ever since we destroyed the last one and claim the files, Eggman has set up guards everywhere. But luckily, it's more open than the others, so we'll have sniper teams around to help get in and destroy this one. Here are the teams...." Shadow says everyone's teams or partners in sniping, "Any questions?"

Amy raised her hand, "Could I get a different partner?" Amy eyed Sonic with daggers.

"No. It is final and we have to deal with it. If we going to take down Eggman, we have to work together as a team." Vierno stated. "We'll leave in 1800." 

-------------------------*12 hours later*---------------------

As the Offense Teams are going through the factory, multiple teams of snipers are up the hills, including Sonic and Amy.

Amy sighed mentally, "Why am I up here? I'm the best in this team...."

"You okay?" Sonic asked.

"Yeah, but not if you are going talk to me." Amy told him off as she looked though the scope and found a robot blocking the way, so she sniped it and took it down.

"Amy, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped like that...." Sonic apologized.

"It's too late, hedgehog. I'm not going to fall for it." Amy said.

"What do you want...? A date.... a kiss...?" Sonic asked.

"You almost sound like a pervert." She stated.

"I could say the same to you." Sonic fired back.

"Fair." Much she wanted to fight back, he was right there. "Wait, something's up...."

"What do you mean?" Sonic asked.

"I'm seeing something going on inside..." Amy said, "I'm going in!"

"Well... if you had a feeling," Sonic picks up Amy, causing a yep out of her while with a faint blush. "I'm helping you get there!"

"W-Whatever...," Amy blushes out of embarrassment and yells, "Don't take this as I am forgiving you!" Sonic runs to the factory and broke inside to see the teams are getting surrounded.  "Dad!"

"Glad to see you both..!" Vierno yelled out, before they could fire at Amy, she already switched to a different magazine and fires the sniper, causing an explosion. As they're fighting it out, Amy got a bit cocky and started fighting recklessly, what she didn't know that a robot is coming up from behind.

"Amy, watch out!" Sonic rushes at her.

"Huh?" Amy was tackled away as Sonic took the hit across his chest.

"We have a man down!" A man yelled out.

"Take care of him and get him out!" Vierno yelled out. "Amy, since that's on you, protect them!"

"Y-Yes...." Amy said, "He took the hit.... for me....?"

--------------------------------------------*12 hours later*----------------------------

Sonic woke up in the infirmary with bandages around his chest.

"Ugh... where am I..." Sonic try to sit up but felt a sharp pain around his chest.

"Easy there, Sonic. You have a pretty deep cut." Vanilla stated as she does a check on the blue hedgehog. "Hmmm... all seems right. I recommend relaxing for a few days so you can fully heal your cut. Also, you'll have that scar for the rest of your life."

"Thanks for the heads up." Sonic thanked Vanilla as he was helped up and walk out. Once he did, he noticed a certain pink hedgehog leaning against the wall.

"Amy?" Sonic asked. "What are you doing here waiting?"

"I'm just waiting to say thank you.... for saving my life...." Amy thanked him.

"And... it's what I can do for an old friend..." Sonic smiled, "I'll leave you alone..." As Sonic walk walking away,

"Wait," Amy grabbed his wrist, causing him to turn around as she was sighing, "I was thinking on what happened and what you said.....," She started to give a faint blush, "I'll give it a shot...."

"R-Really..?" Sonic asked.

"BUT IF THIS IS A TRICK, I SWEAR I'LL HAVE YOUR HEAD ON MY WALL!" Amy snapped as she turned around and walk away.

"I promise I won't ruin this chance, Ames." Amy flinched a bit by her old nickname.

"....You better not, if you know what's good for you..." Amy continued walking away.


Sorry for late upload. Have been a BIT too lazy on this. For now on, I'll be doing each story weekly with 1 or 2(Counts on how much I can think of withing that time of upload) chapters. This will be always on a Tuesday. If you want to learn more about what times, check the description on the Profile page.

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