Chapter 11: Reasoning

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It has been one week since the assault.

"Everyone has been on edge since that attack..." Knuckles told Shadow.

"I know..." He sighed, "I don't blame them, who knew that was a trap, we lost a lot of good men..... and Vierno...." Shadow look at Vierno's tags. "Have anyone seen Amy?"

"None, ever since then, she deserted. But I've been hearing reports from soldiers of criminals getting brutally slaughter." Knuckles explained, "You think it's Amy?"

"Possible. Knowing how she acts now, she would make sure Eggman pay, by destroying everything he love, then him...." Shadow told him.

"You saying this because it was you and Vierno felt, huh?" Knuckles asked, remembering the time at the Ark. Shadow nodded as he walked to the computer. "You think we could even regain the old Amy back....?"

"I think so.... Vierno talked to me about it...." Shadow told him.

"Really?" Knuckles asked.

"He told me that if we going to 'revive' her, we need the one who 'killed' her and help her come back." The black hedgehog explained.

"You mean... Sonic?" Knuckles asked.

"He already set up thanks to that date. All we can do is hope... till then, we must keep on fighting..." Shadow told the echidna.


At a factory, many criminals are getting murdered by a certain pink hedgehog wearing a kitsune mask. The leader of them was trying to escape by then her leg was cut by a saw. She screamed in agony and try to crawl away; it was too late as Amy was front of her.

"P-Please.... merc-" Amy didn't listen as she immediately stab her back.

"What about the people you kill? The people that beg? What about my father? Any of them didn't live because of YOU." Amy then cut her in half while saying, "I'm just returning a favor." She watches as she died and placed the last bomb to set the factory off. As she was about to walk away, a voice was heard?

"Amy." She turned to see Sonic.

"What do you want?" She asked coldly.

"This isn't right." Sonic told her.

"Right? Is right for them to kill? Is it right for them to live and leave prison? Is right to look away those who was lost?" Amy told the blue hedgehog. "I lost too much already; I have nothing left!"

"What are you talking about?!" Sonic asked. "You still have Cream! You still have the gang! You still have everyone who's still alive! Once we bring Eggman to justice, everything will go back to-"

"It won't!" Sonic was shocked to see this burst as Amy continued, "I've seen what war does! Vierno even told me what war will do to a mobian! It'll break him! It'll give him nightmares over AND over again, wishing to stop! We're just pawns to those who wish to war! Just dolls of war to do what we're told! Not me! I won't let myself be control like some worthless soul who wish for 'justice'!"

"Amy..." Sonic notice a slight tear coming out of the mask.

"Only way to bring justice is by stopping Eggman, for good." Amy told Sonic as she walked back with a denotator in hand.

"Don't!" Sonic was about to run to her, but Amy set it off, causing the explosion as Sonic hit ground as his ears rang and his vision is blurry. After a few seconds, he fully regains conscious and notice everything is on fire and notice Amy is already gone. "I got to get out of here...." Sonic escaped the factory before it fully exploded.

"Sonic, do you copy?" Knuckles asked though comms.

"I copy Knux." Sonic answered.

"The drone picked up something, what happened?" The echidna asked.

"Tried to talk to Amy, didn't work to well." Sonic told him, hinting to the burning factory.

Knuckles sighed, "It's fine, just come back to see if you got any injuries." Knuckles went offline as Sonic looked at the burning factory.

"Only way to bring justice is by stopping Eggman, for good." It echoes though Sonic's mind.

"Is it true...? Is it the only way... to stop Eggman... is to kill him...?" He started to think all what Eggman has done, the kidnap of the animals, the Death Egg, Metal Sonic, Chaos, The Ark, Dark Gaia, the Amusement Park, and now this.... maybe Amy was right, if he had killed from the..... Sonic shook his head, taking the dark thought of his mind. "Doesn't matter right now, first stop Eggman, then figure what to do with him." Sonic started to run back to the base.

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