Chapter 9: Sweet Happiness

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Amy was reading a book that her father gave her as a certain blue blur ran towards her.

"Hey Amy, could we have dinner together?" Sonic asked bluntly.

"Suuure....?" Amy asked, confused.

"Great!" He gives a map to where they supposed to meet, "Cya there!" Sonic ran away, making the pink hedgehog even more confused. After reading a chapter of the book, Amy walked back to her room and notice Vierno.

"Hey dad!" Amy said.

"Hey." He smiled at his daughter. Amy notices how he's prepared.

"Mission?" She asked.

"Yeah, Shadow got me a team together to take down another factory." The fox explained.

"Well good luck." Amy told him.

-------------------------------------*That Night*----------------------------

Amy followed the map as it led to a room, as she went though, she notices a table that have a candle in the middle.

"Hello Ms. Rose." Tails walked up while wearing a butler outfit and a monocle.

"Tails?" She asked.

"Right this way." He walked towards the table, leaving Amy shrugged and just go with it. After a minute, Sonic came into the room with a suit.

"You don't need to look your best." She told the blue hedgehog.

"With all the time I wasted, I thought it's what I can do." Sonic explained. They talk about all that had happened as Silver and Knuckles came with a table cart with 2 plates of steak, celery, and mash potatoes. "So, what you think?"

"It's great. I can't believe you done all of this to just to make up to me." She admitted.

"And that's not all," Amy was confused on what he meant as Sonic went out of the room and came back with a wide black box. "I think this should return back to her owner," As he said, Sonic opens it and reveal her old Piko Piko Hammer.

"My hammer...." She took it and looked at it, "I thought I lost it...after that day...."

"I felt awful after what I said, so I went back to Green Hill to find you." He explained and continues, "After I only found it, I search the entire world 5 times over to just find you...."

"Sonic..... I....." She only could muster two words while smiling, "Thank you.... for bringing it back to me..." Sonic smiles back as he took a mental deep breath.

"Amy, I-" Sonic was interrupted as they heard soldiers running though as one said, "We have to get to the chopper now!" With them confused, they follow them outside to see Shadow getting ready to leave with the group. Sonic was first to speak. "Shadow, what's going on?!"

"It was a set up!" Shadow told them. "Vierno and his team had fall in a trap, we're getting them out of there!" After hearing it, it made Amy widen her eyes, making her worried for the old fox. The chopper left. Sonic turned to see Amy about to have a panic attack.

"I-I have to get there.... I have to save my father!" Amy cried out. With a quick moment of thinking, Sonic pick her up.

"I'll help you get there!" Sonic started running fast as he can.


As the group of soldiers are fending off the robots, Vierno is taking down any criminals that had join Eggman.

"They're heading this way!" One of the soldiers told his team the news.

"Good, I'll make sure you all getting out of here alive!" Vierno took his pistol out and shot a robot behind them. After few minutes of fighting, they're starting to get closer as Vierno was holding one of his wounds on his right shoulder. Before the robots fired, two hedgehogs burst into the facility, taking some of them done.

The blue hedgehog landed on a fence, "Heyo! Miss me?!" Sonic yelled out.

"Blue hedgehog found... Must neutralize!" The robots started firing at the blue hedgehog and landed on a crane.

"Wow, thanks for the warm welcome!" Sonic joked.

"Dad!" Amy ran up to Vierno and hugged him.

"What are you doing here?!" Vierno asked.

"We heard you and the team where in trouble, so we came and help!" Amy told him.

"Love to chit chat and all," Sonic spindash one, causing it to be push to others and destroying them also, "But could we handle many deadly robots and criminals that wanted us for dinner first?"

"More like an early grave, hedgehog!" ??? yelled out. The roof collapsed with them barely making it out alive, once they look up, they notice a giant robot that have gatling gun in one arm and a drill on the other.

"Eggman...." Sonic said.

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