Chapter 10: Bitter Sorrow

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Sonic, Vierno, Amy, and what soldiers are left are trying to defeat Eggman and his army of robots or at least hold off until back up have arrived.

"Amy!" Vierno throws a spherical item as Amy get ready to use her hammer.

"Batter up!" Amy hits the item as it lands on a group of robots causing it to explode and destroyed them all. Sonic uses his Cyloop on another group of robots and then uses his Cross Clash at them.

"There's too many of them!" One of the soldiers stated.

"Just stay alive as long as you can!" Vierno told them. Sonic runs up to Amy and help her dodge an attack from Eggman.

"I gotta deal with Egghead." Sonic thoughted. Sonic started pushing his way to Eggman and tries to attack him but a red cubic blur hits Sonic, causing him to fall to the ground.

"You really think this would be easy?" ??? asked.

"I hoped, Infinite." Sonic chuckled while groaning from the pain. Multiple clones and robots started to surround the blue hedgehog as he got back up and get ready to fight back. Sonic tried to defend himself but due to how much, he's get kicked around.

Eggman started to laugh, "This is the end hedgehog! Finish him!" Before the clones got closer, a smoke bomb appears where Sonic is, once they get rid of it, they notice a certain old fox without his mask, is in position to fight.

"Hmm? Trying to be a hero?" Eggman asked.

"No, I have my reasons." Vierno answered as he started to think, "Too many already die.... and I can't let Sonic and Amy die here... Bring it...."


Sonic started to wake up from a voice.

"Wake up!" ??? yelled out as his sight is getting clear to see a black hedgehog, "Wake up faker!"

"Shadow....?" Sonic asked as he got up, "What happened...?"

"Don't know, we've seen you guys near the rendezvous." He explained as Amy started to wake up.

"How....?" Amy noticed Vierno's mask in on her and started to cry. "No....." Amy started to get up and run back.

"Amy, hold up." Shadow grabs her as the pink hedgehog try to struggle out.

"LET ME GO!" Amy snapped.

"It's too dangerous to go over there!" Shadow told her.

"I said, LET ME GO!" Amy swung her hammer and knock Shadow away and started running back.

"Amy, wait up!" Sonic started to chase Amy. After some minutes of chase, Amy notices the destroyed facility being abandon as she keeps on running. She looked around a bit and notice Vierno on the ground, bleeding.

"DAD!" Amy cried as she ran up and pick him up from the ground. "Dad....wake up...." He started to wake up and notice Amy.

"Hey.... sweetie...." Vierno said weakly.

"It'll be any moment that Sonic and the others are coming to get you, everything will be okay!" Amy told her father.

"It's..... to late for me...." Vierno told her.

"It's never too late!" Amy started to sob. "You taught me that! You taught me to fight! you taught me family! You taught me....," Amy started to cry even more, "the right and wrong...."

" what's right...." Vierno told her. "Maria always told me to forgive those.... who needed it.... give... them a second chance....."

"What are you talking about...?" She asked.

"It's time.... to forgive.... time to fight for a better future.... to give all.... another chance...." Vierno started to cry, as remembered all the times he spent, with Shadow, with Maria, with Amy. "Don't....forget that...." He stopped moving as there's no signs of breathing as they made it to see the two.

"Dad....?" Amy started to shake him, "Please don't go....." Amy keeps on shaking as him emontions are getting less and less controlled. "DAD, PLEASE!!"

"Get her out of here.... and make sure to get a body bag...." Shadow said. They started to drag Amy away as she started to violently struggles.

"DAD, PLEASE NO!!!" Amy keeps on crying as her wailing is getting silently as Shadow walked up to Vierno and look at him. 

After a moment, the black hedgehog closes Vierno's eyes as started to cry, "So long....... my brother......" He took Vierno tags and walked away while waiting for soldiers to bring a bag.

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