Chapter 4: Infiltration

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Amy is in one of the Gyms, practicing boxing against a punching bag. Every time she punches, Amy still thanked about how she lost the Royale, which make her angry as she started to punch though the bag. She let out an angry battle cry as she punches though the bag.

"You know you're making me pay for that, right?" Amy turned to see Vierno against the wall.

"Sorry... I'm just mad about the lost." Amy sighed.

"Look kid," The old fox I get your mad. But losing is losing. All we can do is learn from it."

"Okay..." Amy sighed.

"Ms. Amy. Mr. Vierno" They turned to see Cream. "Mr. Knuckles want you in the meeting." They went to the Commanding Center to see most of the gang.

"Okay, let's get to the point." Knuckles said as Rouge activated a map of a structure. "This is one of Eggman's factories. Our scouts explained how this could lead to other factories we could destroy and cripple Eggman's army."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's sneak in and blow this factory up!" Vector said as he pops his knuckles.

"That's not as easy as it sounds." Knuckles nodded and Rouge pulls up a video next and they notice a couple of Mobians.

"Who are they?" Blaze asked.

"Rico Gustav, Heather Witch, these are heavily wanted criminals." Amy said.

"Yes. Apparently bunch of criminals decided to join him. I don't know how many are there, but we should be extra careful, according to the G.U.N. files, half of them will have powers." Knuckles explained. "Now, let's start with a plan."

---------------------------*Next Day*-------------------------

Amy is polishing her knife as getting ready for the big mission. She heard knocking.

"It's unlocked." Amy checked her pistol to make sure it isn't jammed as Vierno comes in with a Japanese fox mask to cover his face.

"You remember the mission?" Vierno asked.

"Of course, I remember. You taught me well enough to go through with it." The hedgehog states as she checked her staff.

Vierno sighed, "It's not about completeting the mission, it's about making sure you and your team making out of alive."

"What's this? The great Mischief Assassin is showing concern?" Amy teased her father.

"Well, you're in a team for this mission, make sure you watch their back since they don't know what these criminals do." Vierno told her.

"Very well." Amy equipped all her weapons as saying, "You got your own mission?"

"Yes, Shadow wants me to check around the area for secret bunkers. Once I'm done, I'll meet up with you." The fox explained his plan.

"Sounds like a plan." Amy agreed.

-------------------------------*That Night*-------------------------------

Amy, Cream, Blaze, and some soldiers are getting ready to infiltrate the factory.

"Tails, you almost got it down?" Shadow asked on comms.

"About.... now." The factory goes down, which gave the signal to head in and find the files. They took down any bots that could get them caught.

"Anyone found the main room?" Blaze asked while using comms.

"Nope." Knuckles said.

"Not yet." Silver said.

"Sucks without my speed, I would've found it already..." Sonic whined.

"If you did use your speed, we would be caught already, Hedgehog." Amy told her ex-crush. They heard talking from the other side of the wall.

"You think it's some of those criminals?" Cream asked. 

Amy started opening up a vent, "I'll go check it out." Once she removes the cover, she got down and started crawling into it.

"She got an ni-" One of the soldiers got smacked by Blaze. As Amy crawls, the voices got louder.

"Do we have to burn these?" He asked.

"We have to, if we're correct, they may come for these." Another explained.

Amy smirked at the voices, "Bingo..." She quietly opens up the vent and jump down to see 2 mobians at some computers. Amy took out her tranquilizer and put in a tranq while holding the other. She quickly shot one which putted him to sleep. Before the other could react, Amy quickly reloads the tranquilizer and fires, putting the other to sleep. Amy putted it away as she went to the computer to see it already logged in. She looked though the computer, but all the files are locked and requires a code. "Dang it...." She looked around for any codes but can't find any, but somehow, she found rope and 2 chairs, which gave her an idea. After a few minutes, the two woke up, tied up in the chairs. "You're finally awake." Amy said, getting their attention.

----------------------------------*Few minutes before*--------------------------

"I'm following Amy." Cream told everyone.

"Okay, just stay safe." Blaze told the young rabbit as she followed though the vent. "Ms. Amy is sure is fast....." Cream keeps on crawling to hear Amy's voice. She followed to a vent to see her, and the two criminals all tied. One of the criminal's bodies started to burn up but Amy quickly shot a bullet though is head, killing him. Cream started to cry out of fear due to not just all the blood, but what Amy just did.

"Amy..... you've.... changed....." Cream muttered with fear and sadness in her voice.

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