The Palismen Gossip!

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Hey~ sorry I haven't given much updates I have been working on other books plus tons of school so enjoy this one! Is like a head canon I explained it in my profile comments. i know I SAID TOMMORROW BUT I COULDN'T WAIT SORRY Enjoy!!


Hunter was outside of the owl house since he didn't know what to do other than think, since Luz and Gus were with Eda and Raine shopping for food. Willow was inside the house cleaning up the place and doing chores, so was Darius, King, Amity they were helping her so it would be quicker with well... cleaning. Clover and Ghost were outside playing together. They saw Hunter and went up to him, "Uhmm.. hi?" "Hi Mr. Big Golden!" "Clover that is quite rude to call Flapjack's predecessor that, do please call him by his name Sir. Hunter." Hunter was flabbergasted he didn't believe it he just sat there in shock. "But is a cute name! 'Comb' on! Is cute trust 'bee'" Clover said while flying onto Hunter head lying there. Ghost was too refined as she said that was too improper to call him that.

"...You can talk?" Clover and Ghost gasped in surprise "I can't 'bee'lieve this! He can hear us!" Clover said while looking at Hunter "Yeah I can hear you.. uhm.. I don't know why though..." Ghost sat down very still and filled with grace and royal she said "Since our dear friend Flapjack has.. sadly passed away to save you, since you are technically his predecessor now, since he has given you the power of teleportation he must have also given you the power to talk with us fellow palismen, quite a useful trait I must say..." Hunter was confused a little at first due to her talking pretty fast but understood. "Hm.. makes sense.. so that is why I can understand you." "Correct! That is why! Ehhe! Is 'hive' to talk to you Mr. Big Golden!! Willow has told 'bee' so much about you!" Hunter blushed "D-Did she say anything good about me?" Ghost had a smirk on her face and winked at Clover. Clover nodded and said "A lot of things! She has told me how nice and sweet you are! And how you always know what to do!" Hunter's ears drooped a bit and his ears and cheeks got redder "..Anything else.. t-that is good?" Clover giggled and said "Yeah! She said 'Hunter is so adorable and cute!! I love how brave he is! He is so admirable and so 'hive' to people but so mean when he needs to 'bee'!!' To 'bee' honest is really cute!!" Hunter's face grew red "O-Oh.. that's so nice of her t-to say.." Clover asked Hunter if he wanted to play with him and Ghost. He was bored so he said yes and they started playing together. They got tired so the all sat down together talking about certain things.

Willow was done cleaning and got Darius, King, and Amity a drink. "Here you are Sir!" "Thank you Miss Park." "Please call me Willow! No need to be formal." "...then thank you Willow." "No problem Sir!" Once everyone sat down they heard a bunch of talking.. and... meowing..? And... buzzing...? Everyone went to check it out they looked out the window and saw Hunter talking and playing with Clover and Ghost. Amity said "Huh... is... he talking with them?" "Seems so.." Darius said in a confused voice "MAYBE THEY ARE BATTLING FOR THE STRENGTH OF WAR!!!" King said enthusiastically Willow laughed a bit and saw Clover was very close with Hunter and heard as clear as day "Yeah! what would you get her? I mean you guys 'hive' been amazing bff's  may'bee' get her a 'hive' gift! It would be very sweet of you, you would be as sweet as honey if you did! maybe even ask her out!!" Hunter's ears turned red and he hid his face with his knees and said "...hmm.. maybe I should... I could get her roses or flowers but she is a plant witch so it would be a little unnecessary, I know she likes plushies so maybe some plushies of animals and other things! hmm maybee some books on different plants, or seeds of plants she might not have." Willow grew a small rose from her hair "You.. have a rose?" Darius said confusingly and so she picked it out and felt something... watching her... she looked behind her and saw Hooty "AGH?!?! WHAT THE T-" "HIII!! I saw you staring at him you like him right hoot??" Hooty said with a devious smirk after what he said, Willow didn't answer but she nodded a small bit Hooty went around the house in excitement and came back and swallowed her whole "WILLOW!!" "PARK?!" "HOOTY!!!" Amity and Darius got confused "What? I thought we were just yelling names hoot." They heard muffled screaming and Hooty went outside and let her out right on top of Hunter "Ugh Hooty when I get the ch..." she looked up and their faces were only a few inches away from each other and they both went back from each other Hunter covered his face and squealed in happiness but in fear as well Willow grew big flowers and was twirling her hair. Everyone knew about their crushes but of course Hunter and Willow didn't.



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