chapter one

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i hummed a sweet tune as i applied my mascara to my lashes. it was a beautiful august afternoon and i was preparing to spend it with my brother and my friends. my brother is my best friend, so the fact that we have the same friends is so cool to me.

i slowly and carefully applied my makeup. it was still pretty new to me, having a makeup routine. i used to just throw on some mascara and concealer and call it a day. not anymore, though. i was freshly single and looking. i'm always looking. what can i say, i'm a relationship type of girl.

after a while, i had finished my makeup and so i walked over to my wardrobe to pick out clothes. my dog, shark, was sleeping on a pile of clothes. "bad, stinky dog." i lightly scolded him. i could never use a stern tone of voice on him, that dog gets to do whatever he wants. he got up from the pile of clothes and wandered out of the room and i sighed. "what to wear?"

i browsed my wardrobe for ages before deciding on a plain, black slip dress with a slit at the thigh. i matched that with a baker boy hat, a shawl and some cute black boots. sure, i was going to get a lot of "are you going to a funeral?" comments but i didn't care.

a while later and i was pulling up to my brother, finneas' house with shark. there were a lot of cars in the driveway, as per usual. him and his girlfriend, claudia never don't have guests. there's literally always somebody visiting them.

i walked in and was instantly met with their dog, peaches, greeting me. "hello, baby." i cooed.

i strolled through the house. it was bright and seemingly empty, although i could hear voices outside. i went outside to the back garden and was met by my friend group. "what's up?"

"hi, bil." everyone greeted me.

"hey, billie! i missed you."

i turned to see my friend dylan. i gasped and hugged him. "oh my god, i missed you dyl."

in the middle of our hug, i opened my eyes to be met with an all-too-familiar face. jesse rutherford. staring right at me with a stupid big grin on his face. i got a little fright. i didn't expect him to be here! sure, we had mutual friends, it just would've been nice if someone gave me a bit of a warning. since... you know, i've always had a fat crush on him and only spoken to him a handful of times.

i pulled away from the hug and nodded in jesse's direction, trying to keep my cool in front of this incredibly attractive man. "hey, jesse, how are you?" i asked, walking towards him. he had his head tilted back a little, still smiling. he radiated confidence. i was very intimidated, to say the least.

"billie, long time no see!"

we made small talk, nothing interesting besides me embarrassing myself trying to make a funny joke. he laughed, anyways. i'm so jealous of his girlfriend...

"how's devon?" i asked and he looked away momentarily.

"well... she's good, i think." he shrugged.

"you think?" i chuckled, slightly confused.

"we broke up."

oh. "damn. i didn't know."

"yup. i'm single now. we're still friends, though." he told me and i nodded in understanding.

"i mean, are you looking? 'cause..." i joked and he laughed.

"only for you." he chuckled and although it was a joke, i turned beet red. i decided i had enough of that conversation and talked to my other friends, being overly conscious of jesse's presence the whole time.

i've always been a huge fan of him. i mean, the neighbourhood was literally my first ever concert. i have a lot of love for that man. he was still scary to me, though. not to mention he towers over me. he's roughly six foot and i'm five foot three.

we all ate a bunch of food and talked for hours. i kept stealing glances at jesse, secretly hoping he was doing the same. he never did, though. i guess i was still a little starstruck. like how i am when i see justin bieber, although we're friends now, i'm still a little shocked every time i see the guy.

or... maybe he was just really fucking attractive and i was lonely.

either way, i figured i'd better stop looking at him before someone caught on and teased me for it. i decided to play with the dogs for a while. my friend hammy came over and sat with me. "what's up? you're quiet today."

"am i?" i questioned with a little laugh. i didn't even realise.

"yeah... are you okay?"

"no, yeah, i'm fine. thanks. nothing's up i promise." i smiled.

he smiled back weakly and stood up, holding out his hand to me. "wanna get drunk?"

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