chapter five

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i woke up and stretched, curling back up and deciding that the slight pain in my head gave me an excuse to go back to sleep.

so that's what i did. or tried, anyway. i remembered things about last night and jolted upright in the bed, retracing my memories of the previous night. i kissed jesse.

i screamed into my pillow and shark barked at me from the corner of the room. "shut up shark! my god, no fucking way that happened." i said to myself.

the memories continued to flood in and i thought of how i nearly made myself cum from grinding on him. but hey, i made him hard. i squirmed at the memory and then thought of us in the back yard, our deep talk and even how we danced together. i found myself smiling at nothing and groaned.

i pulled out my phone and went through my messages, seeing that jesse had texted me. 'hey.'

i felt extremely awkward now that i was sober. i was grinding on him and grabbing him through his jeans and he wasn't even looking to have sex. did i regret it? maybe... no. i didn't. but still, embarrassing.

i replied to his text with a dry 'hi'. i decided to throw on a sweatsuit and slides and go straight to finneas' house. i wanted to tell claudia everything. i ate a bowl of cereal and put my hair in a messy bun, pulling up my hood before putting shark on a leash and leaving. there were some shades in my car, too. thank god. i was definitely hungover.

i drove to finneas and claudia's house, but not before picking myself up an iced coffee. when i got there, i knocked and finneas opened the door. "what's up?"

i walked in. "man, i am hungover." i groaned, looking in the mirror. the sweatsuit, socks and slides, hood up and sunglasses on at all times really outlined exactly how i was feeling. i let shark off the leash and he ran through the house to find his best friend, peach.

i hadn't told anyone about the fact that jesse came over or anything yet. my plan was to tell claudia, and then eventually tell everyone else once we see each other a couple of more times.

i would tell finneas first but he and jesse are friends... you know? like if we end up not working out i don't need finneas to wanna stop being friends with him or anything.

claudia was in the back yard and so i walked out to her and sat next to her.

i greeted her by saying "i invited jesse over for dinner last night."

"huh? jesse jesse?" she turned to me and i nodded. "what the heck?"

"yeah..." i trailed off, pressing my lips into a straight line. "and we kissed."

"shut up." claudia gasped. "shut the fuck up!"

"like straight up making out, and not innocently. it almost turned into more. then we smoked and then we danced and then made out a little more."

"fucking hell, billie." claudia let out a laugh of disbelief.

"good night, not gonna lie. it was just... a lot, you know?" i looked at her. "like i am a literal FAN of that man."

"i get-"

"but he's so fucking sexy." i whined, putting my head in my hands.

"well... i don't know, if you're gonna date him again maybe—wait, were you sober for this?" claudia asked and i shook my head. "okay, good. 'cause i was gonna say..." claudia was cut off by knocking on the door.

i turned to look at the glass door and the blood drained from my face. jesse stood there, waving at me and claudia before going back to talking to finneas. i waved back before turning back to claudia and just staring.

"i'm gonna kill myself. what if he heard us talking?" i whispered harshly.

"well, i doubt he-"

"can you hear through those doors, claud?" i asked. i heard finneas' loud laugh from the kitchen. that answers that then. "shit."

"i didn't know he was coming, man." claudia mumbled.

"it's whatever." i could feel my cheeks burning. i wasn't ready to see him or talk to him at all. i needed time to process last night.

but the odds weren't in my favour and finneas and jesse walked out to the yard and sat down with me and claudia. "what's up?"

"hey guys." i put on a fake smile. thank god i had shades on and my hood up. the two chairs that me and claudia were sitting on were facing each other. there was enough room for two people on both chairs. finneas sat next to claudia, leaving jesse room to sit beside me. and so he did.

kill me now.

everyone got into conversation about god knows what and i decided to just play with peaches and shark. away from everyone else. i walked over to the pool and sat on the edge while throwing toys for the dogs.

i texted claudia 'kill me now' and sighed. i'm too awkward for this shit.

i got up to go to the bathroom and when i got out, jesse was there. i took off my sunglasses and pulled down my hood, you know, just so he could get a look at my gorgeous face.

"what's up?" he asked and i shrugged.

"not much. hey, sorry about last night. i get very... brave when i drink." i groaned and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"you're good, don't worry."

"i don't regret it at all." i admitted.

"me neither." he smiled.

"good. you should come over again whenever you're free." i told him confidently, biting my lip. fake confidence, of course, but you know. can't pull someone if you've got no balls.

he raised his brows. "i'm free today."

"cool. wanna chill at my house?" i asked and he looked away as if he was thinking about it.

"i mean, if you insist." he pretended to complain and i hit his arm.

"whatever man." i chuckled.

"okay go pee." i told him. "let's leave separately, though, yeah? don't wanna tell anybody about this situation we've got going on yet."

jesse nodded. "i'll leave a few minutes after you."

"good. i'll leave now then."

jesse nodded, leaning up against the door frame of the bathroom. "bye."

"what, no goodbye kiss?" i asked, putting my hand over my heart in fake heartbreak.

"weirdo." he chuckled, pushing himself off the door frame and taking a step towards me. i gulped and stepped towards him also, getting on the tips of my toes. he put his hands on either side of my face and kissed me. i felt butterflies all over. i melted in to the kiss, kissing him back with slight force. the kiss lasted a few seconds and jesse was the one to break it.

we both stared at each other as we pulled away, me grinning like crazy. "i'll see you at my house, yeah?" i questioned, biting my lip.

"mhm. see you there." he said, stepping into the bathroom and shutting the door. my mind was racing and i felt dizzy. kissing him sober was surreal.

can't wait to do it again.

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