chapter nine

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i woke up with my head on jesse's shoulder. he was sleeping soundly. i was still on top of him from last night, and he had his arms wrapped securely around me.

i felt so heartwarmed, laying here with him so peacefully. i leaned forward and kissed his neck. i could still smell his cologne from last night. i love how he smells.

he stirred and i lifted my head up, looking at his sleeping face. he's so handsome. i left a kiss on his cheek, which led me to kissing his temple, his forehead, his nose, and the corner of his mouth. his lips slightly puckered. i leaned forward and kissed his lips ever so softly.

to my surprise, he kissed me back. when i pulled away, his hand went from my lower back to the back of my head, pulling me in for another kiss. i got butterflies. i pulled back once again. he smiled softly and my heart swelled. his eyes fluttered open and he looked at me. "good morning, baby."

"good morning." i sang, leaning forward and leaning my cheek on his. "i have a spare toothbrush in my cabinet in that bathroom," i gestured towards my en suite bathroom. "brush your teeth, stinky breath."

he chuckled, stretching before looking back at me. "let me get up, then." he said and i rolled off of him. he leaned forward and kissed my forehead before getting out of bed. he was wearing nothing but underwear since he obviously didn't bring a change of clothes to my house, so i took a second to admire his tattoos as he walked into the bathroom.

i quickly followed him into the bathroom, bending down and taking a toothbrush out of the cabinet for him. "brand new."


i picked up my toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it. jesse held out his one too and i put some on his. i ran mine under the water before beginning to brush my teeth as he did the same. we watched each other in the mirror, smiling at nothing.

i turned to him and puckered my lips. he made an amused sound before leaning forward and pecking my toothpastey lips.

unlike him, i was fully clothed, wearing a gorillaz t-shirt and some sweats. when we were finished brushing our teeth, i grabbed my hairbrush and began brushing my hair. jesse watched, with his hand on the small of my back. we were in a peaceful silence, completely just enjoying each other's presence.

we then made our way to the kitchen. i grabbed a banana from my fruit bowl and jesse went for an apple. i sat on the countertop and damon leaned on the counter beside me.

"so what are your plans for today?" he asked and i shrugged.

"i'm free today. me and finneas aren't working in the studio today and i've got nothing to do." i told him. "what about you?" i asked, taking a bite of the banana.

"taking my girlfriend on a date, of course."

i was currently in head to toe disguise. long, luscious blonde wig, big glasses, clothes that i would never wear, just completely unlike me.

jesse didn't look that different, although he wore a baseball cap and a big hoodie and jacket to try conceal his tattoos.

i had mentioned wanting to go to the theatre. not a private, at home one, a real theatre. so here we were, sitting at the back of the theatre watching "elvis".

we both stuffed our faces with popcorn and filled up on a giant coke. the armrest between our seats was pulled up and i was in jesse's arms. i loved feeling like this.

watching a movie in the theatre i my
boyfriend's arms. this was what i needed. he was what i needed. i began to zone out.

i still couldn't believe i was dating jesse rutherford. i don't think i'll get over that for a while. i was such a huge fan of him all my life, and now i was dating him and getting to kiss and cuddle with him. i couldn't believe i bagged a man as fine as him.

he rubbed his thumb on the back of my hand and my heart fluttered.

we watched the rest of the movie and waited until the credits were over to leave the theatre, so that it had cleared out a little. i grabbed jesse's hand as we walked out, slightly scared of being recognised but also just literally wanting to hold his hand.

when we got out to his car, he drove to a little more secluded area and hopped out to start smoking a cigarette. i got out after him and stood next to him. i'm so clingy, but he'll have to get used to it, sorry. i hugged his left arm, leaning my head on his shoulder. i had removed my disguise when we were in the car, throwing a hoodie on over my outfit and brushing out my hair that was under the wig.

"you know, me and finneas are finishing up on that song." i told him.

"really? are you finally gonna let me hear?" he asked and i smiled, shaking my head.


"why not?"

"i wanna make sure it's perfect before you hear." i mumbled, closing my eyes.

"i'm sure it's amazing. i'm so excited to hear. you're so talented, baby." he said, looking at me.

"soon." i smiled.

"speaking of finneas, you gonna tell him about us yet? god, we haven't even spoken about who we're gonna tell yet. he has no idea, huh?" jesse laughed a little and i shrugged.

"nope. i think we should start to tell everybody now. i mean, unless you're having second thoughts?"

"i mean... you kinda stink." he sent me a look, taking a drag of his cigarette.

"shut up." i whined and he laughed.

"no, yeah. let's start to tell everybody." he smiled and i smiled back at him, gazing into his eyes.

"i'm so happy." i whispered and he nodded.

"you make me so happy, billie." he admitted, raising a brow. "seriously, though. i didn't think i'd find this with anyone else."

i laughed quietly, shaking my head, relating all too well. "me and you both."

he put out his cigarette and held my face in his hands. i felt kinda at rest when he did that. i just love nothing more than being touched and held.

"you're special, billie."

i jutted out my bottom lip at that. "aw, stop." i chuckled.

"no, you are, seriously, there's just something about you."

i glanced at his lips. "you're special-er." i argued and he rolled his eyes.

"you're fucking annoying." he laughed before leaning down and kissing me. we both smiled into the kiss.

"so, we're telling everybody." i concluded. jesse nodded.



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