chapter four

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she tasted like expensive wine and cherry lip gloss. she smelled like vanilla. she felt soft, warm and inviting. her tongue was like silk in my mouth... i was enjoying this. billie was the one to come on to me, and how could i turn her down when she was looking so delicious?

she had one of her hands on my neck and the other one gripping my hair. she was a good kisser too, i'll give it to her. she really was perfect.

she started slowly grinding on my crotch and she let out a quiet moan into my mouth. i moved my hands down to her ass, encouraging her movement. she sucked on my tongue and i could feel myself start to get hard.

she began to speed up her movements and i stopped kissing her to watch her face. her eyebrows were furrowed and her eyes were closed. "jesse." she moaned. i was nearly fully hard at this point and she could definitely feel it.

i left light kisses on billie's neck and her head lulled to the side. i kissed to her shoulder before taking her chin in my hand and moving her face towards me again before kissing her on the lips. she kissed me back eagerly as she moaned softly.

i was loving this moment. but... this was our first date and she was definitely drunk. she bit my lip before going back in with her tongue. she was definitely very into this. don't get me wrong, so was i, but my morals were starting to get in the way.


"oh, jesse." she exclaimed and my dick pulsed in my underwear. she moved her hand down to my crotch area and grabbed me through my jeans.

"no, billie." i pulled away from the kiss. she opened her eyes and looked at me through her lashes. she slowed down her movements and bit her lip seductively. "don't you think we should maybe wait? i mean, you're drunk. i just really don't want to take advantage of you."

billie pulled a confused face. "take advantage? i invited you here."

"right. but... i don't know, i think we should wait until we have a couple more dates or something." i suggested. i was definitely just as drunk as her. sure, i had a higher tolerance and i was bigger, but i had a lot more wine than her.

"oh... okay." she frowned slightly. "can we still make out, though?" she asked and i shrugged.

"why not?" i asked and she smiled before leaning back in.

i sat on one of billie's lounge chairs in her back yard, smoking a cigarette. she was next to me, leaning on my shoulder with a fluffy blanket wrapped around her. her dog, shark, was sitting at billie's feet while she scratched his head.

"can i have one?" billie asked and i looked at her.

"what, a cigarette?"

"yeah. i got into the habit of smoking while drunk in my teen years. so now i smoke. only while i drink, though." she told me and i raised my brows.

"fair." i mumbled, putting my cigarette in my mouth and pulling another out of the box. i placed it between billie's plump lips and lit it for her. she inhaled and blew out the smoke.


she wrapped the blanket around her tighter and shark tilted his head to the side, watching her every move. "fuck off, shark." she giggled.

she has a really cute laugh.

billie looked up at me. "i'm gonna be real with you... i've thought you were hot from the minute i ever saw you when i was a fan of the neighbourhood. and now i'm here, sitting next to you in my backyard. that's fucking crazy." she chuckled and i shook my head with a smile.

"yeah?" i asked, searching her eyes.

she grinned maintaining eye contact. "yeah."

"well i must say, you are looking mighty fine right now, billie." i admitted and she looked away, cheesing, before taking another drag of the cigarette.

"get the fuck out."

i sighed, ashing my cigarette in her outside ashtray. i observed her back garden. it was really nice. "you ever gonna let me swim in that pool?" i asked.

"any opportunity to see you shirtless."

"alright, i think you've had enough wine." i chuckled.

"nah, but for real. i love my pool. come whenever you want." billie said and i nodded.


"well, with my busy schedule, maybe not whenever you want... but you know."

"yeah, yeah, okay."

i put out my cigarette and leaned forward and began to play with shark. he licked my hand and i looked at billie. "he likes you!" she exclaimed, sounding rather shocked. "well, he's a happy dog, but he only licks people he likes."

"good, 'cause i think he'll be getting used to me."

we were back inside. we finished watching the movie, and since we had sobered up a little bit, we drank a little more wine. billie had started to play some music on her speaker and we were just talking about anything and everything. then, we got on to the topic of exes.

"-and everyone around me was telling me how bad for me he was. but i didn't see it. or maybe i just didn't want to. i was in love, you know? love is literally blinding." billie explained.

"yeah. i know what you mean."

"then, coachella happened. weekend one of coachella, i knew our relationship was coming to an end. we were arguing all the time, there just wasn't enough communication between us. by weekend two, we were broken up. and then i had to put on a really great show and act like everything was fine. it was really tough. we're still friends now, i think that's all we should've ever been. we got along better as friends."

"i get it, i really do." i sighed.

"yeah. anyways, i fucking love this song." billie said, beginning to dance in her seat to umbrella by rihanna.

she's versatile. she was just talking all sad about her ex and now she's dancing to rihanna.

she got up and danced, coming over to me and grabbing my hands, pulling me out of my seat.

"umbrella, ella, ella." we both sang and laughed while dancing.

i was just swaying, watching her. she looked so good doing everything.

after a while, the hype died down and slower music began to play. it was time for me to go home. i ordered an uber and got my stuff together. billie pouted. as i was ready to leave, we both stood at the closed front door.

"i'm gonna be honest, i had an amazing night." i told her. "seriously, we're doing this again."

"of course." billie smiled, grabbing my free hand.

"thanks for the food, too. you're a good cook. also gotta do that again."

billie smiled, pulling me closer to her, looking up into my eyes. "a hundred percent, i will."

"good." i muttered, before leaning down and kissing her lips for the hundredth time tonight. her lips were soft and addictive. billie kissed back and i put my hand on her lower back.

my phone received a notification and assumed my uber was here. i pulled away from billie and shrugged. "gotta go."

"miss you already." she told me, unlocking the door and letting me out.

"miss you more."

and with that, the door was shut and our night was over.

i never saw myself feeling this way for billie eilish, but i wasn't mad at it and i couldn't wait for what was to come.

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