chapter six

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{A/N: billie and jesse's height difference is in the picture above lol. this is their real height difference!}

as we kissed, i realised that i really do like billie. i hadn't felt that way while kissing somebody in a while.

billie then left finneas' house because she 'had to go home'. we were really just gonna hang out at her place for the day. apparently we're keeping stuff on the down low.

after a few minutes of sitting with finneas and claudia and talking music, i left. i decided to go to pick up a snack on my way to billie's, and so i called her.

billie picked up almost immediately. "what's up?"

"you want something to eat?" i asked, putting her on loud speaker while i drove. "i'm starving."

"sure... what are you getting?"

"probably in-n-out." i told her with a hum. "yeah... i'm in the mood for a burger."

"must be nice." she chuckled. "okay, can you get me fries and a coke?" she asked.

"of course. okay, i'll see you in a minute."

she hung up and i pulled up to in-n-out and made my order. i sent billie a picture of the drive through and she replied with the drooling emoji. i smiled stupidly. why am i so weird... it's an emoji.

i got the food and turned on some music as i drove to billie's house. i hummed to the tune. real catchy. i wanna make something that sounds like that.

when i got to billie's house, i rang the doorbell and billie almost immediately answered. "hey."

"hey yourself." she greeted me, moving so that i could come in. i took the food to her kitchen and started separating our things. billie came right up behind me and leaned her head on my shoulder. i liked our height difference. she's just a little bit taller than my shoulder.

"you want salt?" i asked, holding up the sachet.

"please." billie asked and i sprinkled some on her fries. "we can eat in the living room." billie told me. "thanks for the food, by the way. i can get you back for that."

"oh, don't worry. it's just a couple dollars, trust me it didn't hurt." i told her and she shrugged. "okay."

we walked into the living room and billie sat on the couch. i took a second to admire her cute outfit. it was just a tshirt and sweats, yet she still looked so good. she has a talent for that. i'm crazy attracted to her.

she ate a fry and sipped her coke. "what do you like about me?" billie queried. damn. wasn't expecting that. "sorry, i've just been wondering. like, why are you here with me, having just bought me food, you know?"

"well... you're gorgeous, first off. like seriously, fucking hell," i started and billie blushed profusely. "you're really funny and we get along really well, you're also really cute. oh, and you kinda asked me out. that's another reason i'm here."

"stop, will you?" billie asked, giggling and covering her face.

"you asked." i chuckled, taking a bite of my burger.

"didn't expect you to get me all flustered!" she exclaimed.

"hey, what about you, huh?"

"well, that's easy. i always thought you were hot. always. fine ass motherfucker." she told me and i smirked. "you're also fucking HILARIOUS. you're tall, a little older, one of my favourite musicians, you're just my type on paper." she let out a little scoff-laugh. "literally."

"you think very highly of me, don't you, eilish?" i smiled and she nodded enthusiastically.

"uh-huh." she nodded. "for real."

i glanced out her window. it was a sunny, warm day. "so you letting me in that pool today?"

an hour later, and i was back at billie's with a pair of trunks i had grabbed from my house. i sat in the shade with some sunglasses on, applying sun block. i had a beer at my feet. billie came out in a cover up over her bikini.

she wore slides too and came over and sat next to me. she had some cool, kinda huge sunglasses on covering her pretty eyes. "hey, can you get my back for me?" i asked.

"sure." billie took the sunscreen and squirted it on my back before hesitantly rubbing it in. we were both quiet. everywhere her hands went tingled. she didn't need to know that, though. she even moved up to my shoulders, giving me the shivers.

"can you do mine?" she asked, taking off her cover-up and thankfully facing away from me. her boobs looked really good in that bikini. i gathered all of billie's silky hair and put it over her shoulder. i put some sunscreen on her back then, and as soon as i touched it, i noticed how soft her skin was.

i purposely took my time rubbing it in, enjoying the feeling of touching billie's skin. when i was done, she tied her hair up into a messy bun. "i'll race you in." billie challenged, taking off her slides.

"i'll win." i said, getting up and running into the pool. as i was still under water, i could feel the splash of billie landing in the water with me. i surfaced and wiped the water from my face as i watched billie come up. "dude! you should've seen that! i flipped in to the water!" she explained and i put on a shocked face.

"and you lost the race!" i told her with the same energy and she rolled her eyes.

"whatever. you can't even flip."

"hell fucking yeah, i can." i defended myself. "i just wanted to win the race. so i did."

"okay." billie accepted defeat. "race you to that side of the pool, then." billie rushed before swimming swiftly towards the other end of the pool.

"CHEATER." i yelled, swimming towards her. i managed to still beat her to the other side and billie screamed.

"FUCK." she laughed with a whine. "how did you win that?"

a few minutes later and we were both at the edge of the pool. i was smoking a cigarette. billie was leaning on my shoulder while texting someone.

"wanna be in a selfie?" billie asked and i agreed. it was cute, both of us grinning like crazy into the camera.

"look at us!" i smiled.

"we suit each other, don't we?" billie smirked and i took a drag of my cigarette, nodding.

"a hundred percent. which is good, 'cause i'm not planning on going anywhere any time soon." i shrugged, taking another drag.

billie just stared at me for a couple of seconds.
before i had the chance to react, she pulled herself up and kissed me. she wrapped her legs around my waist since we were underwater and kissed me again, deeper this time.

i kissed her back, kissing her top lip while she kissed my bottom lip. she tasted like the same cherry lip gloss from the night before and it was making me dizzy. she was intoxicating, addictive.

then, she pulled away and leaned her forehead on mine for a couple of seconds, catching her breath as she gazed into my eyes. she turned her head around and found my cigarette that she had thrown away and picked it up, sticking it back into my mouth. we were so close. i inhaled the cigarette and billie kissed my cheek.

"i can't get enough of you." she muttered, her gaze falling back down to my lips. i smiled, taking the cigarette out of my mouth and pecking her lips.

"same here. you're driving me crazy." i muttered, staring into her eyes. she smiled a little and so did i. "i'm excited to see where this goes, eilish."

"as am i, jesse."

what is this girl doing to me?

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