chaper eight

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{a/n: small but mighty chapter}

"she's not you."

i searched his eyes. they looked genuine. "what do you-"

"i only want you, billie. i was stupid to try and hide from my feelings, i don't know why i did it." he admitted. "kissing her didn't feel even remotely as good as it does to kiss you."

my cheeks heated up at that. i sighed and leaned my head on his shoulder. "you gonna tell her to take a hike, then?" i asked and he grabbed my chin, moving my face so that i was looking at him.

"i already did. i told you, you're the one that i want." he mumbled and looked down at my lips before looking back into my eyes.

i leaned forward and kissed him, only for a couple of seconds. i pulled away from the kiss and smiled slightly. "stay the night?"

jesse and i were laying in my bed, watching the office. i had my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat. i felt myself get sleepy, but i wanted to relish the moment. our first time spending the night together. our hands were interlaced and we were both silent.

i was so exhausted. my heart was fluttering at the fact i was in my bed, watching my favourite show with jesse. i was still a huge fan of him. i was so used to him by now, now that we were basically together.

"so am i your girlfriend or what?" i blurted.

jesse squeezed my hand. "do you want to be?"


"then yeah." he replied, kissing my head. i smiled lazily. my heart was so full but i was too tired to move.

"good." i mumbled, rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb.

"stop fighting it." he told me. what does that even mean?


"the sleep. close your eyes, get some rest. i'll be here in the morning."

and with that, i was out like a light.

i stared at billie's face, or at least what i could see while laying above her. she looked so peaceful sleeping.

i smiled at the fact she was my girlfriend. i wasn't sure i'd ever find someone that i connected with so well again after my last relationship. yet, here was this angel sleeping on my chest, snoring quietly. how did i get so lucky?

i felt myself get sleepy, too, and so i shut billie's laptop that we were watching netflix on and put it on her bedside table. i placed the blanket over me and billie and wrapped my arms around her waist, slowly drifting off. can't wait to do this regularly.

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