chapter three

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(A/N: please comment, i wanna know that you guys are enjoying the book!)

jesse was about to be here and i was perfecting my makeup. i decided to over-line my lips a little and put on some gloss. you know. just to look a little more kissable. i also wore eyeliner and curled my lashes. i had a full face of makeup which i usually never do unless it's for something important—this is in fact very important to me.

i put in my favourite dangly earrings and my look was complete. i took out my phone to take some selfies and posted them straight to my instagram. i received a text from jesse saying he would be here in five and let out an excited squeal. i spritzed myself with my favourite perfume, then.

"right, okay." i mumbled to myself, going into the kitchen and making sure the food was alright. it was, and so i opened up the door for my back garden. shark wandered out and i nodded. perfect. well cooked food, dog free house.

before i knew it, the doorbell rang. i squealed and fixed my hair before scuffling to the door. i took a deep breath before opening it, revealing jesse standing there. i smiled widely, biting my tongue. "hey!"

"hi!" jesse smiled, lifting up the bottle in his hand and presenting it to me. it was a bottle of fancy wine. "this is for you."

i gasped, outstretching my hands. he handed it to me and i read the label. 'chateau cheval blanc', it read. "i'm not even going to try to pronounce that." i giggled nervously. "thank you so much! my god." i exclaimed, pulling him into a lingering hug. the fact that i had to reach up for a hug, my god.

"no problem. that food smells good." he told me and i looked back into the house.

"thank you," i smiled. "come in."

i walked in and jesse followed me. i locked the door and saw he had wandered into the living room. "you have a fireplace." he noted and i chuckled.

"yeah. it's so nice in the winter. i love christmas and stuff, you know? the fireplace is one of my favourite parts of the house." i told him.

"cute." he muttered and my cheeks slightly heated up.

"anyway... the food should be ready. you can chill in here, explore the house, or come to the kitchen with me."

"yeah, i'll come to the kitchen." he said, following me. we both walked in and he looked around. "this is a great kitchen, eilish." he remarked as i took the food out of the oven.

"you think? cute, right?"

"sure. don't you get lonely being here all alone?" he asked and i looked at him.

"little bit. i have people over a lot so it's alright."

he let out a little laugh. "a lot of people, huh?" he questioned and i raised a brow.

"huh? ohh you thought i meant- no i meant my friends. i mean sometimes, but—no yeah mostly my friends." i rambled as my cheeks heated up. i didn't need this hot man to know i have sex. god, why am i so weird?

"right." he chuckled. i let out a nervous laugh as i finished plating the food. he picked up the wine and we walked into my dining room. the table was already set and i placed both of our plates facing each other. "this looks delicious."

"my mom is a great cook, i like to steal her recipes." i admitted, putting a little bit of salt on the food. jesse opened the wine and poured us both some. i immediately went for a sip, get me drunk; i thought.

we started talking about things like cars and music and i'm not gonna lie, we were kinda hitting it off. one glass of wine and my awkwardness was out the window.

"that's your car?" i cackled as he showed me a picture of him in front of his car. "meep meep type car, fuck outta here."

"fine. what car do you have, ms. high and mighty?" he asked.

"dodge challenger. matte black. souped up. wouldn't catch me in that one, that's for sure." i giggled. i poured myself some more because i love confident billie.

"you know what," he chuckled. "fair enough. you got me. it's a shitty car." he held his hands up and i smiled.

"meep meep."

"so you like the wine, huh?" he grinned and i did right back at him.

"mhm." i cheesed.

"you're cute."

my cheeks were already red from drinking but inevitably got redder. "you think so?"


"i think you're cute." i told him and he raised his brows.

"oh yeah?"

"you're here having dinner in my house, aren't you? you think i go for ugly guys?" i asked and he sent me a look. damn.

"oh, so you're going for me?"

"that's the plan." i smirked.

he shook his head with a smile. "hey, why don't we watch a movie or something?"

a couple of minutes later and we were both sitting on my couch. i decided to put on 'don't worry darling', because i was friends with harry and had been meaning to watch it.

me and jesse were sitting apart, but close. we weren't touching.

a sex scene came on and i gulped. "they're both so hot, fuck." i muttered, adjusting myself. jesse put his arm around me and i looked at him before relaxing into his touch, although i was getting all hot and bothered.

"all that food they're just wasting, damn. move to the bedroom." jesse mumbled and i chuckled.

"right? if i were alice i would have been so annoyed at myself for that. food looked bomb, too."

the sex scene was over and as the movie progressed, i decided to lean my head on his shoulder. i had had maybe three glasses of wine and was way too comfortable with him.

"this is getting kinda creepy." i mumbled, referring to the film. he pulled me closer and i sighed, almost in relief.

yet another sex scene came on and now i was really horny. i put my hand on jesse's thigh and glanced up to get his reaction. he was still watching the movie, but moved his hand from my arm down to my hip, slightly rubbing it.

i moved my hand a little higher up his inner thigh and he grabbed the tv remote, pausing the movie. i looked up at him and he moved a piece of hair out of my face. we were both staring.

i repositioned myself so i was level with him. "you're so fucking hot." i blurted and he smiled.

"you're so fucking beautiful, billie." he replied and i gulped. get in me.

"shut up." i muttered before leaning in and kissing him. i smiled when he kissed back. holy shit, i'm kissing jesse james rutherford.

he grabbed my waist and moved me so i was straddling him. he opened his mouth and i slipped my tongue in to be met with mine. either he was a phenomenal kisser or i was really drunk. or both.

i put both of my hands on either side of his face as we made out, slow and filthy, both of his grabbing my ass.

i could get used to this.

{A/N: ITS BEEN FOREVER, I KNOW. IM SORRY. i'm back, though. don't forget to vote! i love my voters}

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