chapter two

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jesse had been hanging out with us a lot more recently and i could not deny my attraction to that man. i found myself spending way longer on my makeup and wearing tighter clothes as well as lower cut shirts. what can i say, i'm a classy lady.

the group made dinner reservations at some restaurant for a birthday and we all sat at a long ass table. i sat pretty much in the middle in between claudia, my brother's girlfriend and hammy, one of my best friends. of course, who other than jesse rutherford sat right across from me.

i looked at him for a second as he sat down at his seat and he looked up. i smiled and cleared my throat, adjusting my appearance. "hey." i said under my breath.

ever since that first time he came to finneas' house, i grew a little crush on him. maybe i was just horny and looking for a fuck. either way i wanted that man bad and i was about to make it obvious as hell.

during the dinner i 'accidentally' kicked his leg a couple of times to grab his attention. i apologised each time, of course. i just wanted his eyes on me.

"right, billie?" finneas said and i snapped my head up. i hadn't been listening at all.


"we're working on the album."

"oh, right! yeah." i smiled and everyone started oo-ing.

"what are you writing this one about?" my friend, ava, asked.

"well. there's no real theme yet. yeah, we're just going with the flow. i guess there'll be a couple breakup songs." i sighed. i saw jesse nodding in the corner of my eye. "we actually wrote a love song too. never finished it. i'm still planning on finishing it and putting it on the album, i really love it so far."

"you gotta let me listen to some shit you're working on soon, i'm itching to hear." dylan said and i nodded.

"some time soon. i'll definitely send you something i think you'd like." i smiled.

the conversation continued and i slightly kicked jesse again. i knew it was annoying him but all i wanted was his eyes to be on me. i looked at his hand on the table and reached forward to put my hand on his. "i am just so sorry! these heels, man. i don't know what it is but i keep kicking you."

"no it's, it's okay." he chuckled, looking into my eyes. i smiled, blushing a little. "nice outfit, by the way."

i tilted my head, cheesing. "thank you."

a while later, we were leaving the restaurant and everyone was saying their goodbyes. jesse stood next to the door, though, and lit a cigarette. i found myself walking up to him.


"oh, hi billie." he said, turning towards me as he leaned against the wall. he looks so fine. "how are you?"

"oh, i'm good, how are you?" i asked and he shrugged.

"i'm cool. what's up?"

"i was wondering..." i trailed off. i'm gonna do it. "if i could get your number." i asked, way more confidently than i felt.

"really?" he queried, taking the cigarette out and exhaling. i don't agree with smoking but fucking hell, did he make it look good. he raised his eyebrows and licked his lips. "yeah. of course you can."

"great." i bit my lip, handing him my phone. i watched as he put his name in my contacts.

he handed it back when he was finished. "you know how long it's been since i've put my number in a girl's phone?"

"oh, so i'm special."

"sure." he laughed, putting out his cigarette.

"if it makes you feel better, i've never asked for someone's number before." i admitted ms

"oh, so i'm special." he said and i laughed.


finneas called me since he was my ride. i glanced over and then back at jesse. "so... i'll see you around then."

"that you will. text me."

a while later i was at home, staring at jesse's contact in my phone. i wanted to text him, but i had no clue what to say. i couldn't believe i had jesse rutherford's number.

after a while of thinking what to say, i settled on a simple "hey".

he replied almost instantly. "hi, thought you forgot about me."

i replied with a laughing emoji. "definitely not."

the typing bubble appeared and i stared at it before it disappeared. oh. so he doesn't want to text me.

i sighed and accepted defeat before it appeared again and a message came through. "you looked beautiful tonight."

i screamed and threw my phone to the other side of the couch. i couldn't believe that my extra time spent on my appearance was paying off. i picked my phone back up and hesitantly replied "thank you. so did you, jesse."

"can't say the same about my ankles after you beat them up though." he said, attaching a broken heart emoji.

"I'M SORRY." i replied, using the same emoji. i had the widest smile on my face. "it was an accident."

we continued to exchange texts and my cheeks were hurting from smiling. i was feeling bold and wanted to take a risk. "you should come over sometime." i sent and turned off my phone screen, refusing to look at it until he replied. can't believe i just said that.

shark was looking at me with a sad look on his face. "i know. what's gotten into me, right?" i asked him. he whined and walked away.

my phone pinged and i sighed, picking it up. jesse had said "damn, take me out to dinner first, eilish."

"original." i replied, laughing to myself.

"i'm kidding. sure i will."

"i'm free whenever. haven't got anything going on at the moment." i replied. come over now, maybe, i thought. my ass is too horny it's been too long.

"me too. how's tomorrow?" shit, tomorrow's perfect.

and that's exactly what i replied. here's the thing, when you're a celebrity, most dates are in your own house or the other person's house. you don't really wanna be seen in public with the person or rumours will be sparked and nobody wants that. did i just call this a date? is it a date?

"you want me to make us dinner? i'm a mean cook." i sent and he immediately started typing.

"sure! i'm not vegan but i'll trust your cooking skills." he replied.

"great. what time suits?"

"how about 7?"

"perfect. i'll see you then." i sent, smiling widely at my phone.

"see you then, billie. by the way, send me your address lol."

and i did. "goodnight."

holy fuck. am i about to make dinner for jesse fucking rutherford? at my house?

i got up from the couch and started jumping around, suddenly very energised. okay, i need to go to bed.

this is happening.

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