chapter seven

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a couple of weeks had passed and me and jesse were still seeing each other. he'd been to my house a couple times and i had even been to his. i met his dog. i'm not sure he and shark would get along. we had slowed it down on the affection, though. we still stole kisses here and there.

now, i was at finneas' house, hanging out with our friends. jesse was here, too. we were trying not to make it obvious that we were an item so we were distanced. we stole glances, sure, but didn't talk to each other.

my friend david, or marinelli, as some people know him, came over and sat next to me, sending me a weird look. "you good?" i asked, with a nervous chuckle. everyone else was too invested in the group conversation to look at us.

he leaned into my ear and covered his mouth with his hand. "jesse is eyeing you like you're a piece of meat." he whispered and i pretended to be all shocked. i gasped quietly and dropped my jaw.

"really?" i muttered.

"uh, yes, girl!" he told me and i smirked at him.

"i'm just irresistible, huh?" i smirked and he laughed.


i looked over at jesse, who was invested in the group conversation. that was, until he must've sensed my eyes on him. he looked over at me and gave me a forced smile, clearly trying too hard not to blow our cover.

i smirked at him and winked before paying my attention back to david. "um... what was that?" he asked and i rolled my eyes.

"what, i can't be a tease?"

"fair enough, billie."

i giggled to myself.

"hey jesse, tell us about that girl you're seeing." claudia said and my heart dropped. wait, what? nah, it's okay, he wouldn't have said my name, it's fine. i developed a tiny smile and bit my lip, trying not to blow my cover. although i was blushing. he talks about me to claudia.

he glanced over at me with wide eyes for a second before looking back at claudia. "oh, you know. she's cool."

"tell us about the date you went on last night with this mystery girl!" claudia urged and my smile dropped.

we haven't been on a date in a week. he went on a date with someone else.

my brows furrowed. "oh, yeah. do tell." i deadpanned.

he looked over at me with an apologetic look. "we went for dinner, that's it."

"do you like her? have y'all kissed?" claudia questioned.

jesse looked down. my heart was racing. i mean, we're not officially together or anything but i thought we had something special.

"i don't kiss and tell." he replied with a forced smile and i scoffed. everybody looked at me.

"what?" i asked and they all looked back at jesse.

claudia grinned. "so you have! oh my god, jesse! this is so exciting!" she squealed.

"yeah, good for you, man." finneas chimed in. shut up finneas.

i felt a little bit sick. i was sweating.

"nah, it's whatever, man," jesse stole yet another glance at me. "i've got my eye on someone else."

i glared at him. "fuck off." i muttered to myself. i didn't even technically have the right to be mad, but i was pissed.

i sped down the highway, pushing the speed limit and blasting my favourite album. i heard my phone start to ring and i glanced at the contact name; jesse.

no thanks. i waited for it to ring out and as soon as it did, it started ringing again. i pulled out of the highway to my exit. i followed my usual route home and my phone pinged twice. i got to a red light and turned my phone on do not disturb.

when i got home, i didn't even bother checking my phone and hopped straight into bed after getting changed into just a t-shirt and panties. i felt myself dozing off before i heard the doorbell ring. only my close friends know the pin for the keypad on my gates and so i furrowed my brows, getting out of bed and yawning.

i sluggishly walked to the front door, unlocking it and opening it to reveal none other than jesse. i was quite taken aback by seeing his face as i had never told him the pin for the gate. i immediately felt more awake.

"what?" i questioned, genuinely confused as i was still in a sleepy daze.

"can we talk?"

he glanced down at my bare legs. i immediately felt exposed and moved behind the front door, peeking my head out at him. "whatever, lock the door after yourself." i told him as i started to walk back to my bedroom. my bare ass was on display but i really didn't care. i was tired.

i crawled back into bed and pulled my blankets over myself so that i was fully covered, with only my face peeking out.

"i don't want her." jesse announced as soon as he walked into the room. "seriously."

"what, so why did you go on a date with her and kiss her then?" i probed. "bet it wasn't even your first date with her either."

"you're right. it wasn't." he sighed, sitting next to me on the bed.

i sat up, now face to face with him. "listen, jesse. i'm not here to play games with you. i like you. but if you're going to be going on dates with other women then i don't know why you're here talking to me. i'm not just here to mess around with you. i want something serious and you clearly don't. i don't even know why you bothered coming here."

"okay. i'm sorry. i don't want her, billie. seriously. i went on a date with her because she hit me up months ago and i thought she was the one for for me, she was funny and we got along but now that i've met her a couple of times and kissed her, i realised she's not." jesse explained. i played with his fingers, looking straight down at them, sighing.

"what makes you think she's not the one?" i furrowed my brows, looking at him. he made direct eye contact with me.

"she's not you."

{a/n: hi. vote lol}

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