Chapter Two

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After throwing up in the bathroom I quickly straighten myself up and waltz into the training room where Jace and Alec are matching each other blow for blow. Judging by the sweat that is dripping from their bodies they have been at this for quite a while, gridlocked by skill and experience except there can be only one victor. It's going to be close until Jace sweeps his lengthy leg across the back of Alec's ankle twisting his arm as he falls so he can use it to pin him on the floor. Alec quickly taps his hand against the mat, throwing in the towel before even daring to jest Jace's hold on him. It doesn't surprise me, Alec and Jace have been inseparable since the day they met, destined to be brothers even before our parents knew it. I used to be jealous of the bond they shared, it seemed as if Alec had forgotten all about me but I knew that was a lie. Even now the golden-haired boy and his raven-haired shadow have kept their keen eyes fixed on protecting their little sister. The boys take me in from their spot, Jace offering a hand to Alec, pulling up his brother as they make a beeline over to me wearing matching smiles. "You want to go a match Iz?" Jace says as he readjusts the strap on his sparring gloves. I smile, feeling the anticipation of a challenge taking place. Sparring with Jace is a feeling I can't forget, going blow for blow with an opponent who will give it his all and won't hold back. I eagerly start forward, heading for a pair of training gloves when I stop dead in my tracks, I can't spare with Jace it's too risky for me and the baby. My face drops as I instinctively splay a hand across my stomach for a few seconds. I can't hear anything with a million thoughts buzzing through my head all at once maybe that's why I feel one of my brother's hands upon my shoulder. I drop my hand and sigh, picking back up my smile before I turn around and face the worried blue of Alec's eyes fixed upon me. "Izzy, are you okay?" I can't look into his eyes right now, I need to be alone with my thoughts, I need to figure more than a few things out, "I'm fine Alec. I think I'm just going to go to the library and lose myself in one of those books Jace is always telling me to read". Alec's worried look deepens, making him look more like dad each and every day, the look suits him. I reach up and take his hands in mine, "I'm fine, really Alec. I just have a lot on my mind, and Simon-", I begin breaking off at the sound of his name on my tongue. Alec's in protective brother mode, I can tell as he visibly clenches his jaw and sets his sympathetic eyes to a stony gaze, "If he's hurt you so help me", he says as he focuses on the far wall that was empty a few minutes ago but now houses my brown-haired nerd and his best friend Clary. "Lewis!" Alec yells as he strides toward Simon with purpose. Simone flinches as he's ripped from the nerd gossip he was sharing with Clary to being manhandled by my brother. Alec has him by two fistfuls of his shirt as Simon raises his hands in a defensive gesture. Clary immediately is called to action as she puts one hand on Alec and the other on Simon, trying to break them apart before one of them walks away broken. "What's going on!" Clary says, putting words to Simon's mouth who has been babbling nonstop since Alec grabbed ahold of him. "Stay out of this Fray!" Alec threatens, but Clary being the spitfire she is doesn't back down. She only sets her jaw and gets closer to Alec, "Are you really telling me to stay out of this Lightwood?!? You have my best friend by the collar of his shirt and I'm not supposed to get involved?" Alec glares daggers at Clary who isn't giving up. If it wasn't for Jace, who had been absent the whole time Simon was getting reprimanded, finally stepping in since his parabatai is jumping down his wife's throat. He places his hand on Alec's shoulder and searches his eyes for the meaning of the fire that is marching within them, "Alec let Simon go". Alec wouldn't have if he hadn't taken in the golden eyes of Jace that have soothed him every time he has felt the need to lash out. With one last grunt he releases Simon, he slams into the ground pretty hard making his mop of curls bounce upon impact. Clary immediately drops down to give Simon a hand, while he mumbles a quick thank you to his savior. But Jace doesn't even break eye contact with his brother as he speaks calmly, "Alec what's wrong?" Alec looks as if he might've lunged at Simon again if it hadn't been for Clary placing her red hair between the two. His blue eyes spitting venom at him from a distance suffixes enough as Alec draws a breath and hotly exclaims, "He's done something to Izzy and by the angel, I won't let him leave here still able to stand on his own two feet". I can see Simon slightly shaking as he stands behind Clary, I had so desperately wanted to sneak off to the library but I wasn't going to leave my brother alone with Simon. My plans wouldn't have mattered anyway because now all eyes were fixated upon me, "Iz?" Jace calls out. I look between my angry and confused brothers, the brown-haired boy I was trying to avoid, and my best friend Clary who looks worried. I want them all to stop, to leave me alone, and soon enough the emotions begin to bubble over as teardrops spill down my unsuspecting cheeks, "Just leave me alone!" I yell as I run out of the room in a flurry of black hair and heels.

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