Chapter Six

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I wake up just as the sun begins to filter through the window that I had sat on yesterday with a secret too big for just one person to carry. I stretch my arms over my head, letting my blanket drop down from my shoulders, tumbling back into my lap in a lumpy heap. My eyes wander around the room looking for Simon but my room looks undisturbed except for a silver platter with a lid and a folded white piece of paper with my name scrawled across it. I get up and walk over to it, grabbing at the piece of paper first, "I made you breakfast. Fray helped me so I didn't end up burning anything. She also says hi by the way:) I know you usually skip breakfast but now you're eating for two, so I hope you're hungry. I'll be back soon, love Simon". I smile pressing his note to my chest as I remove the gleaming silver lid to reveal a full breakfast of fluffy scrambled eyes, buttery toast, crispy bacon, and fresh strawberries that were delicately cut into hearts, all accompanied by a tall glass of water. I settle back down on my bedspread with the tray, demolishing the plate of food in no time at all. Man, I didn't know all that food could fit in me at one time but I guess this baby is going to show me a world full of surprises. I guess I spoke too soon as a wave of nausea hits me out of nowhere sending me flying in the direction of the bathroom once again. I make it to the toilet just as all my breakfast comes right back up and down into the still water below. I'm in the middle of puking when a small knock sounds at the door, "Isabelle, Pumpkin is that you?" Magnus' voice calls. I take a second to steady myself, managing to make a small jest at answering him before I'm back on the floor heaving my guts into this bathroom toilet I have begun to hate. Magnus walks in and places a comforting hand on my back, "Oh, Pumpkin", he soothes, reaching for a strand of my black hair that almost took a plunge into the violated stool. I feel like a mundane and I must look like one too as I turn and face Magnus whose creased features contort his naturally smooth complexion. "You look-," he begins as he reaches for his red handkerchief in his pocket, "Like hell", I finish. His face softens as he takes the folded handkerchief to wipe the edges of my mouth, "I was going to say like someone in need of a little help." I close my eyes and exhale, "Of course Magnus. I'm really happy you're here-wait why are you here?" I say quizzically, refocusing my eyes on Magnus. He rubs his fingers together absently, glittering nail polish dancing like the magic in his cat eyes, "Alec said he had some Shadowhunter business to attend to, leaving Max and Rafe with me all day. Believe me, I love those two to the moon and back but...," he trails off taking in the paleness of my skin and the tired look in my eyes. I give him a small smile, "And you wanted me to babysit them," I say as I walk to the sink to clean myself up. "Oh Isabelle, if I knew you were sick I would have stayed home with the boys. In fact, that's where we're headed right now," he says as he begins to turn away to reach for the door handle. "Magnus," I call, stopping the warlock dead in his tracks, "Leave Max and Rafe here, I could use a good distraction. Besides, then they could help me clean up a few things before I bring them back to your place for dinner." He turns around and brings me into a hug, "Thank you, Isabelle!" he says enthusiastically. "All right," I giggle, "You better do your warlock thing and get to where you're going because you owe me a good meal." His face breaks with a frown, drawing his hand back to fan across his chest in a dramatic flourish, "Isabelle Sophia Lightwood how dare you! I will let you know I have exquisite tastes and a very refined palate. Your meal won't just be good-," he says using his fingers to air quote the word good with disdain. "Your meal will be divine," he finishes. I wrap an arm across my stomach giving him a sheepish look before I speak, "It would be nice to eat a meal without it ending up in there," I say, pointing to the porcelain stool. Magnus waves an impatient hand at the toilet, "There's no need for that. I have a slew of herbs that will get rid of that morning sickness in no time." I smile, feeling tears starting to bubble up over my eyelids. Luckily I wear waterproof mascara and eyeliner otherwise I would look like a mess, "Thank you, Magnus," I say. He walks forward, wrapping his arm around me as we walk out of the door together chuckling about pregnant people and hormones.

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