Chapter Five

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The sound of my heels connecting with the institute floors is almost deafening as I make my way down the hallway to my room. Somehow I knew he was going to be there and he must have known that's where I would go as he bolts from his spot on the floor to a light sprint toward me. "We're getting married, Lewis," I declare before he can even reach me. He looks flabbergasted as he takes in the weight of my proposal, "I think a few more dates are in order before we get hitched," he says jokingly. I roll my eyes and walk past him, diving into my room with this starstruck boy on my tail. I take a seat on the edge of my bed watching as he stands in the center of my room awkwardly, "Isabelle of course I want to get married to the girl of my dreams. I just thought that it was me who was going to be proposing to you with all the pomp and fuss that goes with the out-of-this-world Isabelle Lightwood," he says with eyes that twinkle with the light of a thousand stars within them. My heart aches for him, I just want to hold him in my arms, hold on and never let go because I will always choose him over anyone else in this entire world. He is my heart and soul and I need him forever, I need him now, "I don't need to be put on display Simon. All I need is you and our family, the ones who have passed and the ones who haven't arrived yet," I say as I stare forward with my hand resting across my stomach. Simon's brown eyes crinkle before growing to a massive size, "Izzy? Are you pregnant?" he says excitedly, rushing forward to kneel in front of me. He places his hands on mine, bringing me out of my daze with tears stinging the back of my eyelids, "Iz it's going to be okay. This is great news," he encourages as he tilts my head to meet his. "I can't do this!" I bawl, "I couldn't even save him-I couldn't Simon! It's all my fault!" Simon looks at me sympathetically raising himself to the edge of my bed, pulling me into an embrace that offers his warmth and strength. I cry into his shirt as he runs his hand along my back, "I'm not going to let anything hurt you or this kid. I promise you that," he growls as his grip on me tightens. I wipe my eyes and pull away from him slightly, I've never heard Simon like this, it's different from the scared boy he was in the training room earlier. This Simon is braver or at least trying to be as I see his shocked expression at the bravado of his own voice. As our eyes connect we both burst out laughing. We stay this way for a few minutes, letting our laughter bounce off the floor and the ceiling reverberating off two souls who just might have the same sense of humor after all. Now Simon's wiping away at his own tears before getting out a message between his giggles, "In all seriousness, I will Izzy. I'm going to protect you and our family. And to answer your question, yes Izzy. I would love nothing more to be your best man." At this, I punch him in the shoulder with a stern look on my face, "Ouch!" he says with a cheesy grin, "You know I meant husband! Of course, Jace or Alec has to be my best man which is definitely awkward since Alec did just try to kill me a few minutes ago." I smile watching him as his mind wars over which brother to choose, he's determined to find an answer right away so I tilt my head, resting it against his shoulder. Finally, the weight of the world is off my shoulders, and with it comes a wave of grogginess. I let my eyelids flutter before falling into the raging colors of a fantasy that with enough luck, is going to come true. There I stood at the altar staring into the wonder-struck eyes of Simon, letting the words "I do" resonate throughout the halls of Idris as I take the last name he chose as my own. From now on to the Shadow world and beyond, I will be known as Isabelle Lovelace, forever and always.

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