Monday 10 pm
"Jayda Diamond Carter get your ass down here right now" Jayda's mom yelled causing her to roll her eyes and get up. She really wasn't in the mood for her right now. Jayda had known she was pregnant for about a month now and her baby daddy Kevin had just disowned her and her baby and called her a hoe. She felt awful and had been in her room for the past two days.
She pulled her hoodie down trying to cover the little bump that was starting to form. She walked down the stairs and into the family room where her parents and siblings were sitting waiting on her.
Jayda and her twin brother James Jr. were the oldest of five.
Jayda sat down next to her twin brother James nervous about what was happening. She was praying it wasn't what she think it was but by the look on her mother's face she felt it in her gut that her mom knew that she was pregnant.
"I don't know what the fuck has gotten into yall but yall got us fucked all the way." Her mom stressed pacing back and forth."We work long hours to provide yall with the finer things in life, to give yall a better life than we had"
Diamond had zoned out thinking about what she was going to do with this little human growing her uterus.
Is she even ready for a baby?
Could she even live with herself if she chose abortion?
"Kids go to your room and I want all phones in my room by the end of the night, Teenagers stay right there," She said,
Diamond got nervous trying to figure out what she missed, her mom has never kept her down here this long. Diamond was the best kid out of the Carter five. She was a straight-A student, always did stuff for everyone around her, and really just a great person.
"Jj, so ima ask yall one time and one time only. Which one of them fast-ass girls you be bringing in here is pregnant? I got word that it's going around that somebody in this house got a baby on the way, and my tube is tied. nahh double knotted so it sure as hell ain't me "
Jayda's heart literally dropped to her ass. She knew that word would get out quickly after she told Kevin, her boyfriend of two years, especially with both of their parents hanging around each other and with her momma being heavy in the church but not that fast.
Jj's face turned into a look of confusion and he quickly cut his momma off to deny what she saying. It's not a secret around our school that my twin is a player. They go to a private preparatory, and he is an all-star player on both the football and basketball team. So it's not hard to believe but she knows it's about to get ugly because her momma and him have been on one lately.
"Is it Maya? You know what I'm bout to call her mammy and let her know about her fast-ass daughter the fuck. My kids are ungrateful as fuck, I bust my ass to take yall ass out the hood and you showing out in front of these white folks" She screamed at him
Jayda felt bad letting him take this, knowing that's me but she just don't know what to do. Jj just sat down and let the momma scream knowing she not going to listen to him.
"You know what get out, I be damned if you live in here with a baby, taking care of yall ungrateful asses is already too much for me"
Shock passed both the twin's face, this was going way too far and Jayda couldn't take it no more
"It's me. I'm pregnant" she yelled and the whole world froze. Nobody would ever even think that it would be Jayda getting pregnant
A loud slap rang the large house and Jayda's face went flying with enough force to send her to the ground
Jj ran to his twin still in shock about the things that has transpired
"And you would just sit there and let your brother take the blame for your dumbass mistakes. Get.The.Fuck.Out You grown enough to be fucking you grown enough to be out my house" their mother gritted as she walked up to her room
Jayda got up and ran to her car still in shock that her mother just slapped her. She had no idea where she was going to go but she knew she had to leave
She sped off not with no destination in mind.
"Happy Birthday to me" she cried as she looked at the clock
Jayda drove around for hours trying to figure out where to go until Jayden called in a favor from a cousin to stay with her
After her hour's drive, Jayda pulled up to her cousin's house.
Tori was waiting in her home pacing worrying if her little cousin would be okay. She was at work when Jayden called her and has been worried ever since. She left work early and have been pacing for what felt like forever
A small knock on her door knocked her out of her thoughts. She ran to the door and opened it revealing Jayda. She pulled her out of the rain and into her arms and thanked god that she made it. Jayda hugged her back and cried.
A week later
I've been with tori for a week now and it has been going ok. She lives in a two-bedroom apartment, so It's not bad but it can't be permanent. She and her boyfriend are sex-crazed and as quiet as they try to be for her it never works.
Today was my first appointment. Jaden and Tori agreed to come with her so I wasn't so lonely. I tried to text Kevin about it and he ignored it
"Good morning my name is Dr. Owens and I will be with you through this entire pregnancy. So we took some tests and everything and it seems you are about 4 month's and everything seems to be looking pretty good and we can actually see the Gender if you would like"
before she could even respond Jaden and tori said yes excitedly.
I lifted my shirt up to show the little bump that I'd been hiding And allowed the doctor to put the gel on it
"Twin ima beat your ass hiding nephew in that hoodie. Would never know you was even pregnant if ma ain"t say something" Jaden shouted causing Tori to shush him
It was true. It's winter so Jayda always wears big hoodies not only to hide get stomach but to keep warm also
The doctor put the machine on my stomach and moved the gel around
A loud thumping noise filled the room causing the three of us to gasp
"That you hear is the heartbeat. Here is the head...... " I zoned out a lil as the Doctor explained
This all seemed too real. I have to cancel my semester at school. There was no way she could attend college with a newborn baby. I need to get a job. Well, that's not bad, maybe I should take this hair stuff a little more seriously.
"..... alright Mama IT looks like you are having a ..... boy"
Tori and Jaden cheered and the world froze. A boy. A son. A penis. I can do this I pretty much raised my siblings. But this one is mine
I wiped the tears that escaped and thanked the doctor. He gave us a lot of info and we all left. Tori went with her boyfriend and me and Jaden went down shopping since he'll be leaving for college at the end of summer.
I graduated early in December but Jaden Is still in school until we walk the stage in May. He got a full-ride football scholarship at North Carolina A&T. I had an academic scholarship, that I can no longer take.
Hours later
Jaden finally dropped me back at Tori's house. I had a good time with Jaden. We were shopping all day and tired is an understatement. He even brought the baby some stuff. Jaden always has money. I don't know where he gets it from. For like the last two years he has just been coming up with the money. I ask him one time and we got into the biggest fight and stopped talking for 5 months. I just pray every day that he is being safe and smart
after I got in the shower and laid down Tori came to my room and said"Hey I know you've been looking for a job I've been talking to the girls at the club and they would like you to do their hair for them tomorrow. And I talked to Jessica about the daycare position in the back and she said you could be an assistant"
I jumped out of the bed and hugged her so tight. Tori has been a blessing to me and I owe her big time

Romance18-year-old Diamond's life came to a startling halt when the night before her 18th birthday, her mother found out that she was pregnant. After her mother kicked her out she had no other option but to move in with her cousin in the East end of St. Lu...