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The next day

Tonight is the night that I go to the club to work. It wasn't ideal but work is work. I get up, shower, and put  a Nike set on. As soon as I am about to put a hoodie on I saw a glimpse of my stomach in the mirror that made me stop.

" Alright, it's you and me, kid. I don't know everything but I'll always figure it out for us. Your cousin Tori and your uncle Jayden will be there to help sometimes but for the most part, just us so don't be bad please"

I snap a quick picture and put a sweater and jeans on top to go shopping in

I wanted to cook dinner for Tori to show her that I appreciate her for all of the stuff that she has been doing for me

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I wanted to cook dinner for Tori to show her that I appreciate her for all of the stuff that she has been doing for me

I was walking around Walmart getting all of the stuff that I needed for dinner. I just needed drinks and prenatal vitamins and I could leave. I love Walmart but it's way too many people in here today.

I finally find the prenatals at the same time some Lady was Butt I grabbed it first and went to check out. This lady follows me through the isle  and waits until we get near a lot of people to try to start some with me    

" Excuse me lady your seen me grabbing those. I am clearly pregnant and I need them. Run me my shit" she yelled at the top of her lungs standing in front of my cart

" can you please move" I ask her trying to hide my face. This was embarrassing as hell and people are staring.

Before I know it I have 2  girls and 2 guys telling me to give her the vitamins and before I could give them to her, two guys and a girl walked up behind me and started yelling at those people to leave me alone

All this for some prenatals?!? This is wayy too much

the short guy and girl were doing most of the yelling and the other guy stood next to me with a mug on his face. Security finally came and separated everyone

"I am Dani, this is JOHNJOHN and Domo" Dani smiled at me

"I'm Jayda thank y'all so much for that. It was not that deep" I said as I waited in the register line

"girl it's all good, but what are you doing here by yourself? Ive been coming here for years and I am a lil nervous walking in her alone. and you pregnant!?!" I went to put the stuff on the belt but JOHNJOHN beat me to it.

I went to pay for my things and Domo swatted my hand away and paid for everything.Shocked was not the word hunny. We  all walked  out and Domo walked me to my car. The way that he looked at my car almost made me feel a type of way. He put my stuff in the trunk while Dani and i exchanged numbers

" Thank you Domo," I said quietly as he Shut the trunk hard. He had a black ski mask covering his whole face other than his hard eyes that were pouring in my soul.

he said "Don't come back to this side at All. Especially not by yourself" he said before turning around and going to their car

"byyyeeee Jayda ima text you to hang out" Dani yelled hanging out the window before they pulled off

I laugh and shut the door and  pull out right behind them And head home


I had finally finished cooking and cleaning around the house and I am worn out. I made ox tails, macaroni and cheese, cabbage, rice, and cornbread

"Ohhhhhhh girl I ain't know you can cook like that cuz," Tori said as we ate.

"enjoy cause it was a hassle and a half to get this food," I complained as I scrolled through social media

Tori snatched my phone, took a picture, and tossed it to the side

"What happened" Tori livvved for some drama

" some girl got loud with me in Walmart over on 91st and Parkridge-"

"girl what the hell possessed you to go to Parkridge though?! Them hood niggas gon eat yo sweet ass up. Don't do that again " Tori yelled

" all the people she came with started coming, causing a commotion. They were acting like they were about to jump me over some prenatal vitamins. I was about to just leave when 3 people came over and helped me and stayed with me until I left. Thank god for Dani, JohnJohn, and Domo" I concluded and froze when she screamed

"Girl you mean to tell me that mean ass, fine ass JohnJohn and Domo HELPED you?!?" She screamed and fell back

I nodded. They weren't bad looking but this was a little much for me. Well I don't know about Domo, he had a ski mask on

"Girl, they are the biggest niggas in the city. Shit, Domo is the owner of Cloud 9, where you'll be working in about two hour" she said as she passed me my phone and ran to get ready



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my SONshine🖤 9/11


JohnJohn and Domo

JohnJohn and Domo

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