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May 15, 2021


"Ayyyyyeee my cousins graduated!" Tori screamed as Jayden and I walked over to her. I was now six months pregnant and officially a high school graduate.

"Ayyyeeeee" everyone yelled as we got closer. Damn near the whole Cloud 9 came out  to see her graduate and she was so thankful for them

"Ima go to momma nem, congrats twin I'm so proud of you real nigga shit sis," Jayden said to her and pulled her into a tight hug

"Nahhhh I'm proud of you twin, I love you so much!" she said hugging them back

When they parted ways she walked closer to Tori and everyone cheered louder congratulating her

"Thank yall so much for coming out this early in the morning," I said tearing up. I was more than thankful that they all showed up for me, especially with my own family being here and not acknowledging me.

"Awwww don't cry" Tori yelled followed by a whole bunch of awwws

"Excuse me, ladies," Kevin's dad Mr.Heed said navigating the crowd of women

"We bout to head out Jayy, you know we need our rest." tori said, as a couple of girls hugged her and left. Leaving her and Mr.Heed

"Look at how big that tummy is" he Joked "I didn't believe it when they told me, but seeing you now... wow! Congrats princess," he said hugging me

"Thank you, sir." I smiled, hugging him back

"And I'm sorry about how everyone has been treating you. Including your mom and my idiot son." He sighed finally letting go.

Mr.Heed was the head football coach and very close with Jayden, so I wasn't surprised that he knew about my mom. Jayden told him everything.

"It's fine, thank you-" I was cut off by Mrs.Heed calling her husband and mugging me. We said our goodbyes and I was heading to my car

"DayDay" I heard before I turned around and saw all of her siblings running over to me

"Omg heyy guyssss" I haven't seen my siblings since I left and missing them was an understatement

"I miss you so much. Did you hear me scream your name?" Paris, the youngest out of the group asked.

"I did, thank you so much " I cheesed

"Look at your stomach DayDay," Quann said

"I know he getting big" I cheesed bringing Paris's hand to touch my stomach, then the boys.

They all quickly retracted their hand when the baby started moving making me laugh

"What you gon name him Jayy" MirMir asked

"Well, I'm not sure what yall think?"

"keep the J's going. ja'Mari"



They all started naming  more names than she could remember but a couple of them stood out to her

(For any confusion, the order is  Jayden 18, Jayda18, Jay'Quann 10, Ja'Mir 10, Jaylani Paris 5)

"Aye yall come on now" Their momma called to her siblings

They all hugged me and ran back to our momma. I walked back to my car and then it hit me. When it comes down to it I am alone. I let the built-up tears of today finally fall. My mom doesn't acknowledge me, my twin will be living his slide in college, the people at the club have their own lives, and then there is me... and soon my baby.

I was knocked outta my thought my phone ringing

Incoming face time call from Domo

His ski mask soon popped up on the screen

Hey I'm, here at yo little sha'dig mamas but I ain't seen you since you walked the stage

Heyy im in the car now where are you

I get outta the car and stood near my trunk looking around for him

I see you mamas hold on

Call ended

Not long after I see him walking up to me

"Wassup Mamas. Congratulations youngen" He smiled embracing me and giving me flowers.

"Aww thank you for coming" I smiled taking in his strong cologne and weed mix. He always smells so good to me

"You been crying?" He asked looking into my face

I shake my head and tried to fix my face" Today has just been a lot going on"

"Awww mamas. Well let me feed you and lil man as congrats" He asked while placing a hand on my stomach

food always sounds good. I nodded and smiled as he laughed and embraced me again

"Alright I rode with JohnJohn and Dani, so we taking your car. and I'm driving" he said taking the keys and taking me to the passenger seat.

"Mama how you drive so close to the wheel" he joked adjusting the seat and sending a quick text to JohnJohn

"What were yall doing here anyways," I asked him as he pulled out of the  parking lot

"Dani got family or sum here, you know she white as hell" He joked

we spent the rest of the day together until I had to take him home. We both got out of the car and Domo wrapped his arms around me

" I had a good time with you today, mamas you gon call me when you get home?" he asked me looking deep into my eyes

"Yesss. you know I talk to you every night Domonique" I answered laughing as he pulled me into a tighter hug

We rocked back and forth laughing until he kissed me. The world around us froze and nothing else mattered at this very moment. I've never tasted something as amazing. his hold on me tightened his hold on me a little and his hand traveled down and grabbed my ass. Our tongues fought for dominance until we ran outta breath. He pecked my lips a few more times before he opened the door for me

He pecked me a couple more times before he shut my door.

"You better mamas" he said as I started the car and drove off

I just kissed Domonique. I just kissed my Boss.

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