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"D that was rude, she was being nice. " Jayda looked at me

"I'm glad you are in the mending mood mamas" I told her, completely ignoring her. That shit was fake asf. That was the calmest I've seen her since she showed up with Dj.

"What is that supposed to mean?!?"

"Nothing, let's go eat. I want pizza ,That's cool mamas?" I asked her putting my hand on her stomach

She looked at me funny and said yea

Lord please don't let this backfire on me.

We pull up to the restaurant and was seated at the booth

"Hey y'all." Kevin and his girlfriend Andrea said quietly and Jayda tensed

"Wassup" I stood up and shook his hand and moved next to Jayda. They take a seat and we order our drinks and food.

Jayda was visibly shaking and I felt so bad.

"It's gon be all good mamas I promise"I whispered placing my hand on her thigh.

She pushed me away and scooted closer to the window

She was pisssssedd

"I asked my dad to come mediate if that's alright with y'all " Kevin said rubbing his neck

His dad walked up and pulled a chair up to the end of the table and pulled out a pencil and paper

"Y'all know I like stuff in writing" his dad Joked

"Hello Princess, how are you?" He smiled at Jayda who was looking at her phone

"I'm alright coach . Thank you" she have a slight smile looking at him

Lord help me with this white shit that I done signed up for. Like my lil nigga Loyal is really part white

"So this meeting is to discuss Loyal."  He began." We have like a month until he is here and y'all  need to put  y'all differences away for the sake of this baby. So who would like to begin?"

Nobody said shit

"I'm sorry this is all a little crazy to me why were are her right now? Kevin has made it loud and clear that he wants no parts in my son's life so I am confused on the conversation that needs to be had" Jayda stated with the hardest mug I've ever seen

Coach nodded and wrote something on the paper "Kevin, are you intending to be in his life?"

"I would like to be, and I wanna apologize for all that stuff about the baby " Kevin said

Coach nodded " Jayda would that be an option?" Jayda slowly nodded rolling her eyes

"Ok good. Now Jayda is there anything that you need for Loyal before he comes? And the hospital situation"

"No everything that I needed left was given at the babyshower. As far as the Hospital, I will be doing a water birth at the hospital, you can come I guess. But not be in the delivery room."

"Why" Kevin interjected with an attitude

We were doing so good

"Because giving birth is the closest thing to death that a human can experience Kevin. And you are not the support that I want there. My first pick would be my mom and Domo if he accepts. If one of them is unavailable it goes to the godparents. Then you" She sassed him and turned to me. I nodded slowly and sat back

"You just met him why would he be in there?!? No offense man I appreciate you planning this" he asked angrily

"Oh you did this? Ohh okay" she nodded looking at me "and back to you because he is supportive and been picking up your slack since I met him. You wanna be in the room? Okay how many appointments have you been to? Name two food cravings. No when is my due date?"

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