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It's was close to three and it was just us chilling
"Bae do you think I should invite Coach, and them up here" I asked Domo flipping through the tv channels

Domo sucked his teeth "Jayda don't piss me off in this bitch real shit. Cause I promise you that nigga come in here on that bull shit ima shoot his ass this time."

"Not Kevin just Coach. Chill the fuck out boy. I just think that All the grandparents can just come today. Get all the visits and stuff outta the way cause  when I go home I'm going ghost with my baby" I stated plainly

"Ya mama not gon be satisfied until I go to jail son " He grumbled kissing Loyal and putting him in his bassinet
"I don't understand how something so little can shit something so disgusting"

I laughed and sent a text to coach asking him to come see the baby

"Well, ima go get me some clothes and take care of some business. Ima be back and I'll bring you sum to eat. Bye LA be good lul nigga" Domo said kissing the baby before laying his sleeping body in his bassinet.

"Ok see you later" He gave me a kiss before


"Knock Knock" I heard as the door opened. I opened my eyes and Coach was walking in with balloons and a big teddy bear

"Hey coach" I yawned

"I didn't know you were sleeping I would have come another time," he said as I rubbed my eyes. When he moved from the door I realized that he was not alone. His wife, Kevin, Andrea, and the younger kids all piled into my room.

Kevin looked like shit. He had a nasty blue and purple eye, cuts, and bruises all over his face

"I didn't know you were bringing guests either coach" i sassed. He knew damn well i didnt want to see these people

"Well it is my grandchild after all lil girl" Mrs.Heed said walking over to the bassinet right next to me

She is a prime definition of turning a hoe into a housewife. I honestly don't know how coach has been with her for so long.

"Wash you hands" I mugged her covering my baby

"Hand Sanatizer" she said reaching.

"I. Dont. Believe. You"  We had a staredown until Kevin walked over and squirted his mothers hands. Im not even trying to be funny but i dated kevin for a long ass time and i have never seen her clean her hands. Thats why i stopped eating her food.

She rubbed her hands together looking at me crazy. I nodded my head and she picked him up

"Awww look at you. You look like an Austin" she cood

"He look like who he is. Loyal Jayden Armoni Carter." I grumbled

"Carter? Did you already do the birth certificate because that is unacceptable. My grandson needs to be a heed, with a name that he can get a good job with. What kind of name is Loyal" she complained

"Yes. His birth Certificate is signed. Loyal is a beautiful name thank you very much." this lady is already pissing me off

"Kevin baby did you sign it?" She asked looking at him

"No he didn't and aint changing my baby name."

Me and Mrs.heed has never gotten along. She is one of them mothers that act like a wife more than a mother and i dont like that.

"Its his baby too Jayda. Regardless of what you two have going on. He should have a say in the name."

"Your son is a selfish asshole. He has abused me both physically and mentally abused me. He has been absent during my whole pregnancy running around with my best friend. He went around the whole community telling everyone that i was a hoe and didnt know who my baby father is. Your son wanted to argue and fight with me in a restaurant at 8 months pregnant. Your son is the reason that i  had him so soon. Your son has been sitting in the corner not making one attempt to hold his child since you've been in here bitching, and have yet to even look at his baby. I'll be damned if i allow your son to have any opinion in MY son's name. "

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